Thursday 31 January 2008

Dreadlocks and Their Application in Society Today

By Arjun Mukherjee The dreadlock An Indian monk was slowly moving through the roads and people were looking at him with surprised interest. The dress, the attire, the posture were all alien to people of the western world but what attracted their attention most was the matted ropes of hair on the head of the monk. That is exactly what we call the dreadlock, hair on the head allowed to grow without cutting, combing or brushing to take the shape of matted ropes. Origin One of the universal phenomenons that have survived the onslaught of time, dreadlock has its origin rooted in the ancient Vedic Hindu culture. In the Hindu mythologies it is described that Lord Shiva took the force off the holy river Ganges coming to the earth on his dreadlock and thus saved the earth from destruction. Historically too the earliest evidence of dreadlock is found around 2500 years BC and have been mostly the favorite hair style of sages and monks. The immediate impact Hinduism had its influence on Buddhism, Jainism and even the Greek and Roman cultures of the past. In the Roman Celtic culture dreadlock was referred to as hair knotted like snakes. The royal families in ancient Egypt not only adopted the dreadlock but also used dreadlocked wigs as archeological discoveries have revealed. Other cultures Dreadlock was used not only in Egypt, Rome, and Greece but Germany, Mexico, Far East, Africa and several other countries. In Germany the Vikings, in Far East the Naga tribe, the Bishops of Jerusalem, Aztecs of Mexico were all well attached with Dreadlocks. Dreadlock was one of the most popular hair styles in these countries during the 14-16th century AD and they were also found with the Sufi Order in Senegal. The modern era During 1950s in Jamaica the people followers of Young Black Faith took heavily the style of dreadlocks following the cue of poor people there who had been using dreadlocks since the 1930s. It is also said that when Hindu and Naga saints started visiting Jamaica in pursuit of jobs in the 19th century, the dreadlock culture came up with them to Jamaica. A few others trace the origin to the Mau Mau rebels who were fighting against the British colonialism of the time. Why dreadlocks? Dreadlocks have been used by people coming from different cultural backgrounds with different reasons. Sometimes it is due to their religious and spiritual convictions like it is sacred among Hindu saints and monks and at other time social and political environments like used by the Mau Mau rebels. To avert the derogatory use of the term a new term has come up to replace the term dreadlock and it is often referred to as African Locks, the aim being to remove the feature of dreading from the terminology. The importance of dreadlocks in Eastern countries Dreadlocks are considered sacred by the Indian religious preachers since it has its origin with the holy Lord Shiva. In China too noblemen and ascetics used dreadlocks combined with long fingernails denouncing all earthly attachments. In some other Asian and African countries the dreadlock refers to the fear of the almighty. Dreadlocks and the western world today When the reggae music made a big stride during the 1980s, the dreadlocks used by the world famous singer and lyrist Bob Marley caught the imagination of the audience world over and there was a rush to wear dreadlocks. This became most popular among the African-Americanized people but white people did not remain far behind. Especially the people who raise their voice for anti-globalization, and the activists who support the cause of environment-protection find dreadlocks to their choice, a symbol of registering their protest against the possible evils of globalization and environmental pollution. Learn more at : How to wear Dreadlocks Lean more about the : History of Dreadlocks Arjun is an ardent lover of travel and music. Get to learn more about him at
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Monday 28 January 2008

Hawaiian Noni Juice Products Or Tahitian Noni - Which Is Better?

By Dean Iggo Many people claim that Tahitian Noni Juice is better than Hawaiian Noni Juice Products and vice versa. This, however, is simply not the case. Noni, no matter where it grows, whether it be Tahiti, Hawaii, Samoa, India, Maylasia, or any number of small tropical islands is Noni. The juice made from this magical fruit has the same wonderful properties no matter where it comes from. A History of Hawaiian Noni Juice Products The Hawaiian Islands were formed as a populated nation when Hawai'i Loa led his people there with some pretty important ingredients for building a home in a new world. They took with them the Canoe Plants, twenty seven species that they thought would be essential in their new home. Of these twenty seven plant species, fourteen of them were food. The other plants they brought were for building materials and the healing arts. While not all of the plants that came with them made it on the new island home, Noni did. As a result, the Hawaiian people began to use it for its properties on a regular basis. For most Noni growers in the Aloha state, the ripening process is a fairly natural one. Because the Noni plant has grown on the island for centuries, the fruit is well adjusted to production. Harsh chemicals simply aren't necessary to produce perfect Hawaiian Noni Juice Products. Both the sun and the level of rain the islands get on a yearly basis are just right for the production of this fruit. As a result, many Hawaiian Noni Juice Products are produced in a pure, natural environment. In most cases, it is even harvested by hand to ensure that all parts of the fruit go into the juice making process. While some companies try to stretch the product by using the bark of the Noni, fallen Noni fruit, seeds of the Noni, or leaves from the Noni plant, many others produce Hawaiian Noni Juice products using only the pulp, which is the preferred Hawaiian method. There are many different current Hawaiian Noni Juice Products that allow you all of the benefits of Noni Juice. Look into your preferred product today. Dean Iggo is the webmaster of providing unbiased noni juice information including Hawaiian and Tahitian noni fruit juice benefits, testimonials and products. Article Source: phentermine promenade pharmacy
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Sunday 27 January 2008

Church Financing Options

By Stephen Anderson Financing church construction is, for some churches, a very easy task while for others it is a source of never-ending frustration. We could expound on some of the factors that might place your church in one group or the other later, but lets instead review the three major methods of funding church construction, along with their benefits and drawbacks. The three major methods of funding (in part or in whole) church construction are conventional lending and bond offerings and capital stewardship campaigns. Of the first two, loans and bonds, each is available in a variety of flavors. While it is true that capital campaigns can be used as a funding source, they are more infrequently done as the sole funding source than loans or bonds. Capital stewardship campaigns are typically done in conjunction with a loan or bond. More on that later A conventional loan is one where you will go to a direct lender or broker and get a construction loan based on the future value of the facilities you are going to build, using your assets as collateral. In a conventional loan, you are essentially borrowing all the money from one lender. Construction loans usually can be easily converted into mortgages at the end of construction. Many lenders will allow you to do this without a separate closing at the time the loan converts. A bond is a (generally) public offering for many people to loan you money by purchasing bonds. Your church would deal with a bond company who specializes in putting together and promoting the offering and as they sell the bonds, the money becomes available to your church. For both conventional loans and bond offerings, the amount of money that you can borrow is going to be limited by your current income and cash flow. One of the common financial rules of thumbs is that the church can only afford to borrow (read will only be able to borrow) between 3 and 4 times their current earnings. If the total church income for the year is $150,000, your borrowing capacity is probably only $450,000 to a maximum $600,000. Other factors that can affect your borrowing capacity are cash flow and equity. Regardless of bond or loan, the lenders are going to need to be able to see how you will make the payment from your current cash flow. It is one thing to get a loan, it is quite another to retire it. With very rare exceptions, shame on the church that takes 20 years to retire a loan! Most churches should have a workable plan to retire their debt in 7 years. Interest is money that the church gives to the world to foster the worlds economy. That money should stay in the Kingdom to finance Kingdom work. This brings us to our third form of financing, Capital Stewardship. A capital stewardship campaign will typically raise between 1.5x and 3x your churchs current total income, over a 3-year campaign period. Over the past several decades, thousands of churches have executed professionally facilitated campaigns. The result is a large statistical universe from which we learn that the majority of these churches raise the 1.5 to 3 times their current income: an analysis that mirrors my own experience in working with churches. There are 3 ways that a capital campaign can help fund a building program. Some churches may desire to avoid debt and to save up for construction. Others may opt to augment their borrowing capacity with additional funds from a stewardship campaign. Lastly, many will choose the middle road of using a capital stewardship campaign to pay off their debt as quickly as possible. This third method is the most prevalent. A capital stewardship campaign should easily pay off or more of the churches construction debt in three years. My position is that if the church can retire half of their debt in three years, they should certainly be able to retire the remaining half over the next 4 years. I say this, as I believe that the church will grow numerically and financially over the period of paying off the debt, and it would certainly have the option of executing a 2nd capital campaign at the conclusion of the first. Hopefully the church will be considering its next expansion plans before the end of the 7 years, which is a very good reason for becoming debt free as quickly as possible. (Excerpted from the eBook Before You Build, by Stephen Anderson Steve Anderson is a church building consultant, contributing editor for Church & Worship Technology Magazine and author of the forthcoming eBook, "Before you Build": Practical Tips & Experienced Advice to Prepare Your Church for a Building Program. Visit for more information on church building programs. Article Source: buy prescription phentermine
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Saturday 26 January 2008

Maid Of Honor And Best Man - What You Need To Know For The Perfect Wedding

By L Hayes When preparing for your wedding, you may feel as if you have millions of details to manage. From caterers, to dresses and music, to the church, a number of decisions must be made prior to the eventful day. Even on the actual wedding day, it seems as though decisions are being made from when to start getting the hair and makeup done, to when to arrive at the church. For many couples, all of the planning of a wedding would seem impossible were it not for the fact that the couple is surrounded by close friends and family members. These individuals, some of whom are in the wedding party, are there to help make the wedding day a huge success. Although most people have a good idea as to the responsibilities for the wedding party, here is some more detailed information that can help with preparations. Depending on the decisions of the bride and groom, the wedding party could include only two people standing up for the bride and for the groom, to thirteen apiece or more. Regardless of the size of the wedding party, each member has a distinct role that, together, makes for the perfect occasion. For the happy couple, the two most important members of the wedding party are the maid of honor and the best man. Typically, the maid of honor is the brides sister or closest friend, while the best man is the grooms brother or best friend. On the brides side, her maid of honor typically hosts her bridal shower and lends her support for months leading up to the wedding, doing anything possible to assist. The best man does much the same, lending support for the groom, helping him with his responsibilities. During the time prior to the wedding, the best man consults with both the groom and the maid of honor, ensuring that wedding plans are going according to schedule. Additionally, the best man coordinates transportation to and from the wedding site, the reception for the couple, and keeping track of rented wedding attire and accessories being picked up by the groomsmen. On the day of the wedding, the best man helps the groom get ready, waiting with him at the church for his beautiful bride. Finally, the best man serves as an official witness to the ceremony, signing documents along with the maid of honor. The maid of honor is the bride's assistant, helping her with almost every aspect of the wedding planning. For example, the maid of honor has the responsibility to make the brides life as easy as possible during the planning stage. On the day of the wedding, the maid of honor assists the bride in getting dressed. Once the bridal party arrives at the church, the maid of honor checks the bride's dress and train, making sure it is straight and ready for her to walk down the aisle. Throughout the day, the maid of honor offers her help whenever it is needed. Although exciting, and even fun, planning a wedding is a tremendous amount of work. In addition to the bride and grooms parents offering their support, the couple would certainly be lost without the friendship and assistance of the best man and maid of honor. In summary, the best man and maid of honor lend solid support throughout the planning of the wedding to make this a perfect day. Without doubt, both the best man and maid of honor are integral parts of the wedding, playing a huge role in the overall success of this all-important day. L Hayes is a wedding professional and owner of Wedding Favors Emporium. They carry an extensive line of unique wedding favors as well as bridesmaids, groomsmen, and bridal shower gifts. For more information about wedding planning and wedding reception ideas, visit their website at: Wedding Favors Article Source: phentermine online physician
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Friday 25 January 2008

Hurricane Recovery: Financial Institutions Step It Up

By Matthew Keegan We have all heard the stories of financial institutions exploiting consumers with shady practices such as exorbitant interest rates, hidden fees, and the like. These accounts anger us and, rightfully, those that practice these deeds should be exposed. Fortunately, not all reports are bad as evidenced in the way many companies are treating their customers in light of recent disasters such as Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Lets take a look at how some companies are responding in the wake of disaster. 1. Disaster Relief Programs. If you live in an area designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] and own property, you may be eligible for relief depending on your financial institution and the program they have in place. One well known bank, for example, is automatically deferring mortgage and home equity loans for as long as ninety days, or three payments. In addition, this same bank is not assessing late charges for that timeframe, nor are they reporting negative information to affected consumers credit reports. 2. Payment Holidays. Similar to disaster relief programs, several credit card companies are allowing their customers to not make credit card payments for a two or three month time period. Two institutions have stated that they will not collect late fees, but in each case it is not clear whether customers will still be charged interest on their unpaid balances. 3. Loan Extensions. The financial arms of several automakers are allowing customers in affected areas to defer loan payments for up to three months. Essentially, these institutions are extending the loans length and adding the months to the end of the loan period without charging customers fees for this service. If you live in any of the affected areas, it is best to contact your financial institutions directly to learn exactly what type of deferral plans, if any, they have in place. Some programs are less clear than others, particularly the payment holidays for credit card holders since it isnt always apparent whether you will still be charged interest during the affected time period. Still, these types of compassionate gestures by certain financial institutions can create plenty of goodwill for consumers and they are the types of corporations certainly worth patronizing for the long term. Matthew Keegan is the owner of a successful article writing, web design, and marketing business based in North Carolina, USA. He manages several sites including the Corporate Flight Attendant Community and the Aviation Employment Board. Please visit The Article Writer to review selections from his portfolio. Article Source: 5print sildenafil citrate order form
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Thursday 24 January 2008

The Antibiotic Dilemma

By [] Moss Greene Antibiotics are powerful drugs. Although they can be used effectively to treat bacterial infections, research shows theyre often unnecessarily or improperly prescribed many times at the patients own insistence. Heres the antibiotic dilemma. Even when theyre used correctly to kill bacteria, numerous studies show antibiotics can still cause more harm that good. Yes, they kill off bad bacteria in your system, but they also destroy the good bacteria needed for proper digestion and protection against certain diseases. The destruction of good intestinal bacteria after a treatment of antibiotics has been found to be the direct cause of serious health issues, including candida. And, worst of all, the misuse and over-prescription of antibiotics for anything and everything imaginable, including the common cold, flu and all kinds of viruses (which they have no effect on), is responsible for the growing resistance to antibiotics by many bacterial strains which are causing serious, untreatable problems. A recent study, published in The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, showed that even a properly prescribed antibiotic can foster the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria for at least two to six months after treatment. Carrying these bugs around in your body increases your chance of getting another infection. It also means the carrier can pass the resistant bug off to their family, friends, co-workers or anyone else they may bump into in their travels. What can you do to protect yourself and your family? You can be cautious about using antibiotics and you can strengthen your immune system. Your immune system is your bodys means of defense against infectious diseases as well as colds, flues and other viruses. People with strong, healthy immune systems seldom, if ever, need to take antibiotics for infections. When necessary, you can use a natural antibiotic. Garlic is a highly effective natural antibiotic that blocks toxin production of germs. According to the Garlic Information Center in Britain, garlic was found to be a more potent antibiotic than penicillin and many prescription drugs. It was also more effective against nine strains of E. coli and Staph infections. If you decide to take garlic capsules, be sure the garlic is not deodorized. Allicin is the source of garlic odor and its also the active ingredient that makes it so effective. 5 to 10 milligrams of garlic is the equivalent of 75 to 100 units of penicillin. And, after any antibiotic treatment, whether natural or prescription, always be sure to add a full spectrum acidophilus complex to your daily regimen. Acidophilus helps build the balance of good bacteria in your intestinal tract, so you can fight off any new drug resistant bacterial strains already in your system or that you might be exposed to in the future. Your body has amazing abilities to protect you. All you have to do is make sure you give your body the right nutrition to build and maintain a strong immune system. Moss Greene is the Nutrition Editor for
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Wednesday 23 January 2008

Attract Butterflies To Your Garden!

By Michael Russell Attracting butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden can be as easy as planting flowers they love! One butterfly and hummingbird magnet is the butterfly bush. When checking catalogs, the Latin name can be classified as either "Buddleia davidii" or "Buddeleia davidii" (most common). Technically, the butterfly bush is a shrub, although it grows much like a perennial in that it dies completely to the ground each year. Buddeleia are best suited in USDA hardiness zones 5 - 10. In the lower zones, the butterfly bush won't survive the winter. There are a wide variety of Buddeleia. You can choose one by size or flower color. Typically, Buddleia grow anywhere from 6 to 12 feet tall and can spread as much as 15 feet across. The plant looks somewhat like a fountain when fully grown, with slender arching branches or stems. The leaf color can vary from silver green to dark green. The tip of each stem will have a long cone-like flower head, made up of tiny tube shaped individual flowers. The plant will bloom from early summer through the first frost. Some popular cultivars of Buddleia are: - Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' - dark purple flowers, height to 72 inches.
- Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Blue' - deep blue flowers, height to 60 inches.
- Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' - magenta flowers, height to 96 inches. If you want to try a more unusual plant, try: - Buddleia davidii 'Harlequin' - pale, variegated foliage with magenta blooms. Height to 72 inches.
- Buddleia davidii 'Butterfly Hybrids' - a mix of white, pink and purple blooms on the same plant. Height to 60 inches. Buddleia grow best in well drained soil and full sun. Keep in mind the full sun is also what will attract the butterflies, as they need the sun to warm their body temperature for flying. When you plant your Buddleia, water thoroughly. While they will tolerate dry conditions, don't let the newly planted bush dry out until it is established. Like perennials, the butterfly bush will die down to the ground over the winter in colder climates. In colder hardiness zones, place mulch over the plant after the first hard freeze. Do not cut back the old wood until spring time to give the root crown extra protection. For warmer climates, prune the Buddleia back by about one third in early spring . In the spring, remove the mulch. Buddleia are slow to awaken in the spring, well after the last frost, so don't give your bush up for dead if you don't see growth for a while! During the bloom season, prune off the spent blossoms (called dead-heading) to encourage new flowers. Deciding how many Buddleia to add to your garden is dependent upon how much space you have. Buddleia look great as a single specimen plant, or as mass groupings. When grouping Buddleia, keep them in the back of the garden, as there height will make a great back drop. The more bushes you plant, the more butterflies you will attract! Michael Russell
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Are You Lonely and Frustrated Finding Love - Then Read These Online Dating Services Tips

By Bob Simons Nowadays it has gotten more difficult to meet potential dates at work or at school. Contrary to what happens in romantic movies, where strangers meet casually in grocery stores or in cafes and instantly fall in love, most people never have that kind of experience, primarily because of the huge fear that the person next to you could be a serial killer. But with the technology that is now part of our regular lives, the internet has become more than helpful both in our work and our private lives. With the use of the internet today, you can meet new people in any part of the globe and discover instant tidbits of information about them without the awkwardness of asking them directly in person. With everybody's desire to connect with like-minded people, online dating services have grown like mushrooms on the internet. At its simplest, online dating is a methodical way of meeting people via your cell phones and/or computers connected to the internet. A dating ads site permits its users to give out information about themselves (called profiles) and allow you to search for other people with your preferred desired characteristics. Profiles can be personalized and users can usually upload free photo personal ads. Some online dating services, instead of being totally free personals based, are exclusive and require their users to pay a reasonable fee to enjoy all of their services. But with the proliferation of US dating service sites, it can be overwhelming for you to decide which service to actually use. There are a multitude of choices today that cater to every type of individual and to various special interest groups. If youre a single women seeking men, the first thing you should do when searching for the best online dating service that will suit you, is to ask yourself what sort of relationship you are realistically looking for. Online personals and internet dating sites can be very specific when it comes to your relationship needs. The variety ranges from finding successful single men, friends, singles dating, lovers, or even sexual adult dating services. The good thing about this aspect is that everybody is sure that their going in the same direction and riding on the same train. But if you are not sure what kind of relationship you want to pursue, than try a dating personals service where you can find a variety of relationship types. Additionally, you might be wondering what type of person you want to date online. If you have specific qualities in a person you want, like lifestyle, ethnicity, social economic status, body type, religion, or even zodiac signs, then choose a dating service that groups people collectively which have the most qualities you are searching for. Most bring together people who have similar qualities, making it easier to find individuals that you can easily connect with. Other than the above areas, there are dozens of features that numerous no membership free personals and paid American singles sites will offer you. And finding the right one can sometimes be a daunting task. But there is always room for trial and error and there are no rules that say you can't use more than one dating service. You have total freedom to use various dating services at the same time. This will increase your chances of meeting individuals that you could have a good relationship with. Your success in choosing the best dating directory or best dating site for you usually will depend in the amount of fun you experience while using that service. It is realistically possible to look for "the one" and also have fun at the same time. Unlike meeting a person face to face, online dating is far less stressful because you create basic rapport before you ever actually meet face to face. With online dating, strangers can easily become friends and even lovers and its happening by the tens of thousands every month now. To find the best
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Monday 21 January 2008

Marketing 101 - Effective Ways To Market Your Daycare Services

By Seraphina Tan Marketing a daycare business need not be an expensive exercise, if managed effectively. Your marketing budget can be as expensive or as cheap as you wish for it to be. That said, sometimes it does pay to invest a little more in marketing to ensure greater returns. Remember not to fall into the trap of being penny wise pound foolish. Here are a number of suggestions to help you market your daycare centre: 1. Marketing collaterals / Direct mailers
Direct mailers are very important marketing tools. They need not be flashy. A simple flyer telling your audience about your centre and what you offer is good enough. Distribute them wherever possible; put them at community clubs, cafs and restaurants and/or hire temporary help to distribute them at train stations, bus stations, basically any high traffic area in and around your neighborhood. And if budget permits, a brochure will be a nice addition, especially when someone requests for more details about your centre. However, if you are a new start up and a little low on funds, a flyer will do just fine. 2. Business cards
Carry your business cards wherever you go and give them out. 3. Advertisements and listings
Ensure that you are listed in all the relevant directories such as the yellow pages, community guides, daycare magazines for parents, daycare directories, etc. If budget permits, you should also consider taking up advertisements in those guides and directories as well as your local newspapers. 4. Banners
Nothing attracts more attention than a banner. Print a bright and colorful banner and hang it at the entrance of your daycare centre. Itll guarantee to attract the attention of passer-bys. Dont try to recreate your entire brochure or flyer onto the banner. Keep it simple and short. Include basic information such as your logo/name of your centre, your contact number and website, if any. Ensure that the text is legible from a distance. 6. Website
Pick up a new skill. Learn to create your own website. A simple, professionally designed website with some pictures of your centre will do just fine. And dont forget a map. 7. Car decals and bumper stickers
If budget permits, print car decals and bumper stickers to give to family, friends and customers. Its free publicity on the move. 8. Posters
Print posters and display them wherever possible. Pin them up on notice boards at shopping malls, eating places or the supermarket. Pass them to your customers, families and friends and have them put it up in their offices. 9. Open houses
Nothing beats a preview of an experience. When a company wants you to sign up for their pricey conference, they will usually conduct an event preview to let you have an insight into what you will be experiencing if you sign up. In the same token, open houses are an excellent marketing tool, allowing parents a hands-on experience at your centre. There is no need to execute all the above suggestion at one go. Pace them out throughout the year. Itll be a lot easier on your budget. Happy marketing! For more information or resources on starting a daycare, please visit Article Source: xanax without prescription in the us
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Sunday 20 January 2008

Essential Oils Shown to Alleviate Sypmtoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

By [,_M.D.] Nick Arrizza, M.D. In an article published in the Journal of Gastroenterology in 1997** entitled: "Enteric-coated peppermint-oil capsules in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a prospective, randomized trial" researchers Liu JH, Chen GH, Yeh HZ, Huang CK, Poon SK from the Department of Internal Medicine, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan reported interesting and encouraging results of the effects of the essential oils of peppermint in the treatment of Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. According to Wikepedia*** IBS is: "A functional bowel disorder characterized by abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits that is not associated with any abnormalities on routine clinical testing", and IBS is fairly common and makes up 20-50% of visits to gastroenterologists." The prognosis for patients with IBS is not fatal nor does it lead to the development of other serious bowel diseases. However it is associated with chronic pain, discomfort, and other symptoms, work absenteeism, depression, social phobias, and other negative life effects. Often the symptoms appear to have or are exacerbated by emotional life stresses that then manifest in part in physical form. For individuals with this problem it can become quite frustrating to live with a problem that can so readily cramp one's goals and dreams. In the quoted study the researchers shed some light on a solution that is not only simple; it is in my view empowering and all with next to none of the side-effects seen with common pharmaceutical agents. Here is a summary of their study; They did a well designed (i.e. a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled) clinical study with 110 subjects from an outpatient clinic. To the experimental group they gave an enteric coated (i.e. in a capsule that would prevent the oil form irritating the upper gastrointestinal tract i.e. mouth, esophagus, and stomach) dosage of peppermint oil that was allowed to reach the large bowel where the problem was without degradation. The control group received a placebo capsule. Each group received their "treatment" 3 to 4 times a day about 30 minutes before meals for 1 month. At the end of the study they found that: 1) Forty-one patients in the peppermint oil group (79%) experienced an alleviation of the severity of abdominal pain (29 were pain-free), compared to 21 patients (43%) with reduced pain (4 were pain-free in the control group. 2) Forty three in the peppermint oil group (83%) had less abdominal distension compared to 14 (29%) with reduced distension in the control group. 3) Forty three in the peppermint group (83%) had reduced stool frequency compared to 16 (32%) with reduced stool frequency. 4) Finally in the peppermint oil group they found that thirty eight in the peppermint group (73%) had fewer borborygmi (i.e. stomach growling sounds) and 11 (22%) with less flatulence. Only one patient in the peppermint oil group has some upper gastrointestinal irritation as a result of chewing the capsule and releasing the oil. The study reached a statistical significance of p xanax online without a prescription
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Saturday 19 January 2008

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By Kenneth C. Hoffman Youve spent years in perfecting your diorama or railroad layout but the pictures you take do not do it justice. To your minds eye the figures look real, the buildings are correctly scaled and the detail realistic. But the pictures you take make the building look like toys, the shrubbery like plastic and the mood unrealistic. Most difficult are layouts in N (160-1) or Z (220 - 1) scale or dioramas smaller than 87 - 1 scale. There are three types of pictures you can take: showing the whole diorama, showing a perspective of the diorama without the intrusion of peripherals (room walls, etc.), and cropped close ups of the detail. The most realistic is the perspective shot which shows nothing but the diorama. In order to depict this properly, you must cut off some portion of the scene. Assuming the diorama is on a table, position your camera on a sturdy tripod a few inches above the nearest corner so as not to include the sides of the diorama. Set the lens manually at the smallest F stop (which could be F11, F16 or F32). Set the camera at aperture priority (A) so that the exposure will be automatic. A point and shoot camera can be used but turn off the flash. Make sure the top of the picture in the finder includes only the background and none of the room walls. If a background is not a part of your diorama, buy a poster board in a sky blue and tack it behind the diorama as close as possible. The flash on the camera is not a good source of light for this type of picture. The source is too wide and tall, the fall off is a dead give away and makes the diorama look false. What is needed is a point source of light. You may use the light from a slide projector (without a slide) or a 150 watt clear incandescent bulb. Place the source as far as possible from the diorama, ideally eight times the width of the diorama and about thirty degrees above the level surface and to the side. The photograph must be made in a shuttered dark room or at night so that the only source of light is the bulb. There will be enough scattered light in the room to light up the shadows sufficiently. If the bulb source is close to the wall or ceiling, cover the areas near the bulb with black cardboard so that there will be no reflected light from around the bulb. The purpose of this configuration is to provide normal looking, sharp shadows in your diorama picture that will simulate sunshine. Set the camera color balance for incandescent light and later adjust the image file for a sunlight look. Additional light blue poster boards can be placed above near the ceiling and behind the diorama to reflect some blue tinted light into the shadows. Set the ISO at the smallest number (50 or 80 ISO) for the most detail. Auto focus may be used but manual focusing on an item one third the distance from the near edge of the diorama will ensure good focus throughout. Experiment with slightly different angles and foreground interest. The lower you can get to the diorama, the more realistic the picture. Overhead shots tend to look like shots taken from an airplane or helicopter while low angle shots simulate a raised but ground level perspective. A wide angle lens is preferred for the further object to appear far away (scale wise) while a normal lens focal length will compress the distance somewhat. Once your technique is down pat, future photographs of train layouts and diorama will be a cinch. About the Author: A retired portrait and wedding photographer, I enjoy writing , how to articles, helpful articles on photography and many other subjects. My
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Wednesday 16 January 2008

Wedding Preparations- Speak With Your Flower Vendor

By Eric Hartwell Everybody loves beautiful flowers at their wedding. They smell great and the vibrant colors light up all areas. No wedding is really complete without decent flowers. They could simply be part of the brides bouquet or the bouquets of the handmaidens. They can be use in hair and buttonholes. Alternatively they can be everywhere and will not fail to impress. You need to think sensibly, however, as flowers for weddings presents quite a challenge. Some flowers only bloom and prosper in certain seasons. In general, flowers have a short shelf life and can be expensive. Flowers can be difficult find particularly during certain seasons. Plan you flower vendor well in advance many months. Try to choose from as many vendors as possible go and see them f you can to discuss your requirements and to see if they can help you through the tricky process of selection and budgeting. A good vendor will always be able to give you great advice and will always be there to listen and help with your plans. Pick the one that can promise you the flowers you need and want at a price that you can afford. Call them first. This can save a lot of heartache - have an idea of what flowers you want in your wedding and make a list of the questions that you think are important. For example, what kinds of flowers is the vendor selling, how much do they cost, what are the services included in the arrangements? Do they, for example, make the flower arrangements or do you need to hire a different vendor for that? When will they deliver your order and what other things can you expect in preparation for the big day? You can then narrow down your list by selecting vendors that are most likely to deliver the goods and services that you need. You can then begin meeting with your short-listed wedding flower vendors. Eric Hartwell oversees "The World's Best Homepage" intended to be a user-generated resource where YOUR opinion counts. Anybody can contribute and all are welcomed. Visit us to read, comment upon or share opinions at the worlds best homepage or submit or use content at free content resource. Article Source: buy anax valium online florida
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Tuesday 15 January 2008

D.I.Y. Production II - Production Costs

By Laura Donnelly In the previous article I gave you some pointers on selecting a vendor for production. Another very close tie-in to vendor selection is price. As the client you need to watch your budget and as your design firm we design with those costs in mind. However, even when both client and firm have the best intentions on staying within a budget we must weigh project features against costs and make some tough choices. 1. Let your design firm handle it. Seriously, when conceptualizing we design for the sky and scale back at a latter stage unless we are already bound by a low number at the start of a project. We know as we get closer to production we may need to cut out some finishing details in order to come through under the budget wire. We may take a special spot varnish away or determine a special metallic ink that costs extra can be done in the normal process colors instead or perhaps we decide not to round the corners. Whatever the sacrifice, your firm will work with you to make those decisions and perhaps you can find a little extra wiggle room in your budget. 2. Quantity is key! In the print world, the more you buy the lower the unit cost. We cannot stress this enough. In fact, we see the best price breaks at 5000 units or more. Here's an example. We recently purchased one-color stickers with our logo on it and wanted a price on one roll of a thousand. The printer quoted three levels (as they often do); one roll, three rolls and six rolls. To order just one roll of 1000 the cost was $137, three rolls was $48 per roll ($144) and six rolls cost $26 per roll ($156). It would have been insane for us to purchase only one roll as any responsible business person would have chosen the six. It's not always this easy. When you are dealing with items that are costing you around $50 to $100 per unit, coming up with that extra budget can be difficult. Weigh it against your potential ROI and go from there. 3. Per unit cost versus production budget. It may be easier to figure what you would like to spend per piece on a project, however, you should always speak of an overall print budget. A per unit cost can always be met. It all goes back to number two - how many are you producing? 4. The possibilities are endless. Printing is a very in-depth process with many variables that affect cost from paper and color to varnishes, cuts, foils, dies, folding, binding (and on it goes). Each feature will have an impact on cost. As a result you, you will not be able to get a quote prior to having the project designed first. This is another reason why number one is important. If you hire a firm to design a piece and simply hand the files over for production, how are you going to be able to subtract features in order to meet your budget? At this point, you have your files and the job is done according to the design firm as time had not been budgeted towards production management. There's a saying in the business world, time, cost and quality; pick two. The same can be said for printing. Features, cost and quantity; we won't make you pick two but your recipe has to be just right to achieve all three harmoniously. In the next article in this series we will talk about your files. Laura Donnelly is the Strategy Director for XO Create! and can be reached at 678.319.4242
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Monday 14 January 2008

The Gazebo Spa: One of 5 Creative Ways to Use Your Garden Gazebo

By Deborah Boland A gazebo is a great addition to any backyard because it gives it strength, charm and a focal point. But often garden gazebos sit empty because homeowners dont know what to do with them. One solution is a Spa Gazebo - the perfect blend of beauty and functionality. Spa gazebos come in a variety of styles and allow you to enjoy a hot dip in the whirlpool rain or shine, or on a chilly fall evening. Some are totally enclosed by walls. Others are more open with partial trellising or screens. Theyre wonderful if you like privacy and also help keep out pesky summer bugs. The spa tub can be built into the ground or sit on the floor inside the gazebo. Spa gazebos look fabulous accented with pots of colorful flowers and baskets of crisply rolled towels in calming cool green and taupe colors. Other Great Ways to use Your Garden Gazebo? Turn it into a: Home Office With computer notebooks, high speed wireless internet connections and cell phones theres no need to stay stuck inside doing business. If you work at home, then take your office outdoors and enjoy the warm sun and fresh air while youre wheeling and dealing. All you need to add is a desk, chair, some leather stackable filing boxes, and a bulletin board for the ultimate gazebo home office. Accent your space with accessories in warm earth tones-browns, greens, and terra cottas for a connected to nature feel. Imagine how your clients will love coming to meetings in your wonderful outdoor living space! Kids Playhouse Do you have children? A gazebo makes a fabulous kids playhouse. Position the gazebo to the side of the house so you can keep an eye on the kids, and fill it with big pillows, a small table and chairs and a throw rug. Keep your color scheme bright and fun in playful shades of red, blue, yellow and green. Then add plenty of toys like Lego, board games, coloring books, and stuffed animals for a playhouse theyll never want to leave. An added bonus - a playhouse gazebo will keep kids safely shaded on very sunny days. Potting Shed Transform your garden gazebo into a potting shed by equipping it with a potting bench, seed packs, foliage, interesting containers, and all your favourite garden tools. Hang some garden gloves, wall planters and a garden apron or hat at various points along the inside of the gazebo. Make a statement by artfully placing a watering can full of flowers just outside the entrance. Your favourite hobby now has a spectacular new home. Yoga Retreat You can create the ultimate space for rest and spiritual rejuvenation inside your gazebo. An open air gazebo works best for this theme and the view is important. Place your gazebo close to watera swimming pool, a pretty pond, a rushing waterfall, or a trickling fountain so you can gaze out at the tranquil blue water and soak in its soulful sound. Sheer curtains tied back inside the gazebo reveal the view and will also help give you that heavenly feel. Top it off with candles, a yoga mat and an Asian garden ornament to meditate on, and you will be in heaven. So start thinking about how youd like to use your garden gazebo and then play around with the look and feel. The possibilities for this timeless garden structure are endless. Just use your imagination. Deborah Boland 2006 All Rights Reserved Deborah Boland is the host of the popular HGTV Canada TV series, Backyard Pleasures and author of Backyard Pleasures: 7 Simple Steps to Transform Your Ho-Hum Backyard into a Breathtaking Oasis. Sign up for her FREE e-course 7 Secrets to Creating Gorgeous Garden Rooms at & or visit her blog at Article Source: diazepam pharmacy
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Thursday 10 January 2008

Sleep Sacks - What Are They?

By Eric Schubert Since the first day I started writing on this subject, I've been contacted by countless parents, travelers, backpackers, and Sunday snoozers alike. They all seem to share the same sense of fascination and inquisitive line of questioning that usually comes with a virtually unknown product. What's a sleep sack? Do I need one? If you've got a newborn member of the family, are planning an extended journey, or plan on sleeping in youth hostels the answer is yes, indeed, you'll probably want to start investigating the different types of sleep sacks that can be found on today's market. Sleep sacks come in a variety of shapes, sizes, styles, and materials, but all serve the general purpose of providing you or your baby with a safe, comfortable, warm yet breathable sleeping experience. For a baby the sleep sack even has a benefit that many consider priceless. SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome, is quickly becoming a major cause of infant death while sleeping. The baby moves his/her arms while sleeping, thus wrapping the blanket or sheep around his/her own head. This, as we all know, can lead to suffocation and can cause the baby loss of life due to lack of oxygen. The baby sleep sack is designed to keep the baby from being wrapped in blankets or sheets, in turn reducing the risk of SIDS. For travelers, sleep sacks can provide an extra layer of warm and bedding. For backpackers, it's a must have. Most youth hostels now require sleep sacks in an effort to fight the growing problem of bed bugs and other bed related hygiene issues. Sleep sacks are fairly affordable all things considered. For adults, you'll find the nicer silk or wool sleep sacks in the $29-$79 rangeCotton or similar materials will sell for quite a bit less. Baby sleep sacks come in a wide variety of materials, sizes, and design styles so there really is no general pricing. That being said, when it comes to the safety of your child the price should not be an issue. Sleep sacks are a little talked about product that should really be talked about more. It's a simple concept that can make life enjoyable in more ways than one. Eric Schubert operates, a website that provides reviews and information on Sleep Sacks and the purpose of their existence. Article Source: xanax pharmacy
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Wednesday 9 January 2008

The Day of The LORD� Zephaniah 1:14-2:3

By Matthew Robert Payne Zephaniah 1:14-16 (New King James Version) 14 The great day of the LORD is near;
It is near and hastens quickly.
The noise of the day of the LORD is bitter;
There the mighty men shall cry out.
15 That day is a day of wrath,
A day of trouble and distress,
A day of devastation and desolation,
A day of darkness and gloominess,
A day of clouds and thick darkness,
16 A day of trumpet and alarm
Against the fortified cities
And against the high towers. When we look at the words "high towers" in the end of verse 16, does September 11 come to mind? Were not the twin towers high towers? America would consider itself a fortified city and there were plenty of sirens blaring from the fire engine rescue crews. These are the modern day sounds of trumpets. It was certainly a day of trouble, distress, and gloominess. Could it be that September 11 was a pointer toward a fast approaching day of the LORD or Revelation judgment? Revelation 18:18-19 (New King James Version) 18 and cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What is like this great city?
19 They threw dust on their heads and cried out, weeping and wailing, and saying, Alas, alas, that great city, in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth! For in one hour she is made desolate. The whole world looked on at the fire and the burning of the twin towers (high towers), and it seemed the great city of New York had come under attack. Could it be that September 11 was a warning that Revelation chapter 18 is soon the be fulfilled? Revelation 18:14-17 (New King James Version) 14 The fruit that your soul longed for has gone from you, and all the things which are rich and splendid have gone from you, and you shall find them no more at all. 15 The merchants of these things, who became rich by her, will stand at a distance for fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, 16 and saying, Alas, alas, that great city that was clothed in fine linen, purple, and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls! 17 For in one hour such great riches came to nothing. Every shipmaster, all who travel by ship, sailors, and as many as trade on the sea stood at a distance and watched. What good will wealth do the mighty in the day of the LORD when the LORD destroys Babylon, the center of capitalism? Zephaniah 1:18 (New King James Version) 18 Neither their silver nor their gold
Shall be able to deliver them
In the day of the LORDs wrath;
But the whole land shall be devoured
By the fire of His jealousy,
For He will make speedy riddance
Of all those who dwell in the land. You see, the wealth of the mighty will come to nothing when the LORD strikes. By the fire of His jealousy the LORD will make a speedy riddance of all those who dwell in the land. Jealousy? What is the LORD jealous over? James 4:1-5 (New King James Version) 1 Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? 2 You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. 4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously? The world is at war over commodities. Every nation with something precious has the West exploiting it. The governments we cannot control we overthrow. God does not want adulterers as the Bride of Christ. Theres a popular teaching going around in our churches these days that you can serve God and the world with its luxuries at the same time. Verse four, in the book of James, calls you an adulterer if you are serving the world and its lusts. So whats the answer? Zephaniah 2:1-3 (New King James Version)
1 Gather yourselves together, yes, gather together,
O undesirable[a] nation,
2 Before the decree is issued,
Or the day passes like chaff,
Before the LORDs fierce anger comes upon you,
Before the day of the LORDs anger comes upon you!
3 Seek the LORD, all you meek of the earth,
Who have upheld His justice.
Seek righteousness, seek humility.
It may be that you will be hidden
In the day of the LORDs anger. Seek not a better home, a better car or better goods, but seek the LORD. Seek to walk right with the LORD. Seek first the LORD, His righteousness and His kingdom. Store your treasure in heaven and not on earth. Dont be proud, but seek humility and if you do so maybe you will be hidden in the day of the LORDs anger. Note well: That does not mean raptured- that means hidden- you will be saved from the calamity even though you are still on earth. Revelation 3:7-11 (New King James Version) 7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write,
These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens: 8 I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name. 9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lieindeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. 10 Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. 11 Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. Hold fast so no one may take your crown. What is that crown? James 1:12 (New King James Version) 12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
So seek righteousness and humility and endure temptations and the LORD will keep you safe when the trial comes upon the world. The LORD doesnt mind who you are right now. He wants you devoted to Him in your ways, but He is aware that there are sinners who have filthy garments that want to be at the wedding feast. Revelation 22:11 (New King James Version) 11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous[a] still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.
He is aware there are righteous people, people that have sought His face and become righteous and there are people who are set apart for Him and holy. BEWARE the day of the LORD is approaching fast. It is time to repent and live a righteous life if you are going to be spared the coming judgment. Let me pray: Father Lead the reader on a quest to find out what true righteousness is and have him or her seek it with all their hearts. Teach them to spend more time with You in prayer and in the Word. Teach them via Your Holy Spirit and lead them away from shows and books by false teachers. In Jesus' precious name I ask. Matthew shares his heart in these articles and can be found at You can read more of his articles at his link below. If you want a copy of his upcoming book of articles which will have the first sixty of the articles on this web-site called "The Musings of a Mad Prophet" please contact Matthew via email so he can contact you around February 2007 to tell you of the progress of the book. Article Source: cheap online pharmacies xanax cod
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Tuesday 8 January 2008

The 3 Steps to Help Prevent Early Death

By Joseph Simcic Before we begin I would like you to think about all of the goals you want to accomplish for your health and well being. I would like you to take note of every one of them. Do you want to work out with weights more? Do you want to have more cardio? What weight to do you want to be? Now, Stop and go inside for a minute. Imagine yourself a year from now and you have not reached any of your health goals. How do you feel? Are you tired, fat, and unhealthy? Now imagine yourself 5 years from now and you have not taken any steps to better health. Now how do you feel? Worse? Ok, come back to the present. I want you to know it doesn't have to be that way. You can take steps through exercise and dieting today that will prevent those awful pictures from becoming real. Take one more trip with me. Imagine yourself in 1 year after taking steps to become more healthy. You have been jogging more, you have been weight training. Think of yourself a year from now after you have accomplished your health goals and you have maintained a healthy diet. Do you feel 1000% better? Do you look better? Are you getting compliments from people about how good you look. I bet you are. Not only do you look good now that you have taken those steps but you will live longer and feel better along the way. All it takes is a little action on those goals of yours and you can have a lifetime of good feeling and health. Exercise is good because it causes you to breath deeper and get more oxygen into your blood. It releases stress. Exercise even helps develop those muscles you don't use while watching TV. Exercise develops a better you. Diet is another wonderful way to accomplish your goals as long as your diet is a way of life. Diet is temporary. Stop going on those short term diets where you starve yourself just to lose weight and gain back twice the weight. Go on a mission to change your life. Change the way you eat forever to a healthy way. Many people have done it. You can too with a little bit of will power and a little bit of guidance. Now you are probably wondering what other part of you do you need to change to make all of this work. The main part that you must change is your mental attitude. You must change the "I might", "I wish", "maybe tomorrow" to "I will", "I can", and "Today". You have to allow your mindset to change and allow your focus to be placed on your health. The only reason we don't get into the shape we could be in is because of ourselves. We sabotage ourselves into not doing it because we find excuses. The excuses stop today. Before you take the next step I want to assure you that you will have done the right thing by changing your mindset, getting on the right "change the way you eat" plan, and starting your exercise way of life today. You will find yourself in better condition, feel good about everything you do, and feel confident knowing you are reaching your goals. Go ahead and start. Here is where you can start the best fat loss diet on the planet. By far it is a program that you will with out a doubt be ready to complete and feel good doing it. Click on the link How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs and get started on fat loss success with a true change in life. Article Source: where can i order xanax online
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Monday 7 January 2008

Unique Wedding Gift Ideas - That Makes Weddings All Worthwhile

By Kacy Carr Here we go again where tradition kicks in when buying gifts well it's time for a change. Common presents received at weddings are toasters, crockery etc and you can be sure of two of the same gadget given at most weddings.
Giving of gifts is a tradition that will go on for ever and heaven forbid should that stop then there would be no reason why we would want guests at the ceremony (Joke) Unique wedding gift donations will always hold fond memories for the married couple. Presents are a symbol of remembrance so make sure with what contribution you give that they get to remember you in a way that you want them to. Several unique gift ideas listed below that will certainly make you unforgettable. Jewelry Women absolutely love and adore ornate trinkets so no exception for the bride. To be on the receiving end of a unique wedding gift in the form of a piece of warm gold/cool silver is enough to make any wedding day special. Jewelry like pendants, brooch pins, earrings, hairpins, chains, necklaces make elegant gifts. His and her matching watches make fabulous gifts also. Depending on your budget and what the happy couple mean to you then diamond studded it is. Bags Another sure way of pleasing the bride is with a soft leather/suede handbag and a briefcase for the groom. Little tokens placed inside will add more excitement when opened. Cosmetic pouch for the bride and maybe a gold plated pen set for the groom. Small gifts make great presents and mean as much like perfumes/scents and aftershave for the male taking the plunge. Just make sure not to offend by giving deodorant, we don't want to send out the wrong signals. Gift ideas for the groom Fantastic ideas worth considering for the groom is a pocket watch personalized and engraved, tiepins or precious stone studded cufflinks. If you happen to know the groom and his likes and dislikes then even better. If music is his thing then give guitar/drums whatever. WARNING, do not give before the wedding we need him to turn up on the day and heaven forbid if his love of golf is stronger then this gift is to be given after the marriage has been consummated. Artwork Ideal wedding gifts are pieces of art like paintings/sculptures. This again will need some intimate knowledge on the couple and what their preferences are in this department Personalized items Personal items given as gifts are sure to go down well like photo albums, pillows, guilt edged photo frames. Companies that specialize in personalizing different things are in abundance. Why not consider at a later date sending them on their first holiday or weekend break. Wedding gifts symbolise remembrance of the donor. If you really want to leave your mark that is guaranteed an unforgettable gift then it is gold locket with a picture of you inside. (It's worth a try) After hours of research I found this fabulous site and hey what do you know everything you could possibly need is all here to make your wedding day special..Well worth a visit dont just take my word for it Article Source: order xanax off internet
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Friday 4 January 2008

How Not to Kill Mold

By George Graham We hear about mold in the news all the time. It has been linked with: * Headaches
* Sinus Infections
* Coughing
* Weakened Immune System
* Dizziness
* Skin Infections
* Ear Infections
* Cancer
* Brain Damage
* ADHD The toxins (poisons) that the molds create are harmless to humans
outdoors where concentrations are low. Indoors, concentrations
go up. When the amounts are sufficiently high, the mycotoxins
(mold poisons) can make you and your kids sick. The Arab Oil Embargo of 1972 caused us to tighten up our homes
to conserve energy. This has allowed mold toxins to build up
even in homes with only a moderate amount of mold colonies. You often aren't sick enough to go to the doctor when you are
infected by mold. You take aspirin for your headaches and
decongestants for your sinuses. But over time these problems get worse. Minor problems with
the sinuses turn into inflammatory problems. Inflammatory problems include: * Lupus
* Arthritis
* Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
* Blood vessel deterioration There is a more detailed list of molds and the diseases they
cause at The most common approach to killing mold is to use bleach.
Unfortunately, bleach doesn't kill mold. It just bleaches it.
It takes the color out. The mold is still alive and producing
its poisons but we cannot see it. The EPA, at one point, said to use bleach to get rid of mold
on glass and tile surfaces only. However, as of 2002, the
EPA does not recommend the use of chlorine bleach. ( Many chemicals that kill mold will burn people's lungs. This is
particularly true for small children. Even EPA approved mold
killers do this. Most, if not all, companies that eliminate mold use these
strong chemicals that are very toxic to people with asthma (3 of
7 people according to the American Lung Association). Many people
with asthma cannot reenter their own houses if they have been
sprayed with commercial fungicides (mold killers). And to add
insult to injury, most fungicides are not applied properly so
they do not even kill the mold. There are 100,000's of different molds. Each causes it own
problems; each has its own needs. The trick to killing mold
is to know what molds you have and deny them their basic
needs. This gets rid of the mold but does not poison the
residents. For 30 years, Dr Graham has been helping people treat and
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By Ron Kehoe Why is it that everyone is looking for the easy way out.
One of the latest fads is a weight loss pill.
What happened to self-control, exercise and sensible eating.
Next, I suppose we will need a pill to gain weight, a pill to
Make us taller, or shorter, or more beautiful.
In fact a pill for everything we want. We live in a world of instant gratification. Why am I against a weight loss pill, or most pills, for that matter?
Well, for one thing I believe that any pill, or drug, that interferes
With nature must, inherently have some side effects, maybe even serious side effects.
Just read the notes that come with many drugs and check the side effects. Often
These seem worse than the original problem. For Gods sake what is wrong with having some measure of self-control, of taking responsibility for our own actions. Many overweight and obese people who may take a weight loss pill will, no doubt, stuff themselves with even more fast foods, biscuits, sweets, coke, beer and pizzas. They may think Oh! Ill just pop another weight loss pill and Ill be OK . Next time you go to the supermarket just check out the shopping trolleys of overweight people. Ill guarantee they are loaded with fast foods, convenient packaged foods, beer, cokes, ice creams, doughnuts etc. The trolley will probably be packed to the brim or over flowing. Isnt it about time we got back to good old fashioned values?
Isnt it time we ate sensibly and for good health?
Isnt it time we got off our backsides and did some exercise?
Isnt it time to be responsible for ourselves, for our health and well being?
Isnt it time we learned to say NO to the easy way out? A weight loss pill may have some advantages for those people, who through no fault of their own, have an inherent weight problem.
For most peopleforget about a weight loss pill. After all it was your lack of self-control that caused you to be overweight.
Shouldnt you do something to lose weigh, get fit and healthy..
Not a weight loss pill. Ron Kehoe is a 73 year old from the UK who practises what he preaches. He has trained with weights for over 55 years. He plays golf, paints and runs his own internet business. See him at Article Source: buy cheap online xanax
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Thursday 3 January 2008

Exposed: The 95% Dieting Lie That's Keeping You Fat

By Naweko San-Joyz Repeat a lie often enough and people take it as truth. This describes the plight of the hackneyed statistic that 95% of all diets fail. Writers still tout this number as Pauls Gospel even though this study happened over 50 years ago. Dr. Albert Stunkard, Emeritus Director of the Weight and Eating Disorders Program at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, crafted this investigation in the 1950s. After examining 100 dieters, Dr. Stunkard found that only two people out of 100 sustained their ideal dieting weight after two years. Much in the world of dieting has changed since then, and new research heralds more change. Even Dr. Stunkard is a part of these advances. In 1996, he participated in a study that concluded that yo-yo dieting, or weight cycling, does not adversely affect the bodys metabolism or body fat distribution. Other dieting insights published in the Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter discussed the finding of researchers at the University of Kentucky. The investigators collected data from 29 weight-loss studies involving thousands of dieters. These participants followed detailed meal-planning instructions that lasted from eight to thirty weeks. Five years after dieting, people kept off an average of about seven of the pounds they had originally lost. This is noteworthy, considering that many people naturally gain weight with age. The study further demonstrated that those who exercised the most frequently kept an average of 33 pounds off. Yet, the people on stringent calorie restricted diets tended to lose an average of more than 40 pounds and, five years later, kept off only 15 of the pounds they lost. To further expound upon the determinants of dieting success, psychologist Andrew J. Hill questioned the belief that dieting makes a person fat and published his finding in the British Journal of Nutrition. As Hill a lecturer at Leeds University School of Medicine at Leeds, Englandsees it, weve oversimplified the environmental, social and psychological factors that influence our self-image and weight. Also, would-be dieters too often assume that thin people never diet, when in fact, these svelte folks may be dieting experts. Similarly, Erin Putterman and Wolfgang Linden investigated whether dieting for health or vanity creates the negative situations associated with chronic dieting such as fasting and purging. Their findings, released in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine, concluded that when health-consciousness inspires a woman to diet, she is less likely to engage in desperate dieting attempts. Skinny Fat Chicks aims to expose self-sabotaging dieting habits of women while offering methods for sustaining dieting motivation for life. In short, it proposes that women who failed at dieting have failed to resolve three critical issues their identity crisis, educational crisis and celebration crisis. Excepted from Skinny Fat Chicks: Why Were Still Not Getting This Dieting Thing by Naweko San-Joyz Are you a pro at yo-yo dieting? Let Naweko show you how to go from slob to sexy using the secret mind tools that even fitness models wont tell you about. Get the real scoop on how to lose weight and keep it off at, home of Skinny Fat Chicks: Why Were Still Not Getting This Dieting Thing ISBN:0974912212. Article Source: prescription drug xanax
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Tuesday 1 January 2008

Get In The Game With a Stellar Resume

By Linda Matias During the job hunter's market of the 1990's, employers were settling for less than qualified candidates because the candidate pool was so small. Job hunters were able to name their price and employers were meeting their demands. The job climate is much different today than it was a few years ago. Job hunters have forgotten how to present themselves to a prospective employer. Their job search skills are poor and they are struggling to find employment. In today's job market, a resume which highlights accomplishments and skills is essential for career success. It is time to get back to the basics. Employers are no longer settling for the average job candidate. The ball is in their court now and they have the upper hand. Your resume is your calling card. Therefore, it should stand out from the rest and go the extra mile in presenting you as the most qualified candidate. An effective resume is Your ticket to an interview The resume serves as an introduction of your qualifications. Its sole purpose is to win an interview. The agenda setter for the interview Interviewers will use your resume as a gauge for interview questions. A reminder Once the interview is over, the hiring manager has their notes and your resume as a reminder of your qualifications. While you don't have control over what the interviewer decides to write in their notes, you do have control over what is written in your resume. For the most part, the resume may be your last word. A solid first impression In most cases, the employer will only have your resume to evaluate your job performance. Your resume should position you as the best candidate for the job. An ineffective resume is A Personal Document Your resume should stress what kind of work you are seeking, what you know, what you have demonstrated, and what immediate contribution you can contribute to the hiring organization. Your resume should not include your personal stats, such as height, weight, hair/eye color, etc. It should also not list your birth date, marital status or social security number. Easy to write If you have written your own resume or are attempting to write your own resume, you can attest to the fact that resumes are difficult to write. Recalling past achievements and presenting them in a compelling way can be tough. Also, if you aren't objective about your own achievements, this can skew how your career information is presented. A one-size fits all marketing tool In resume writing, there aren't any rules. I am sure you have read articles that your resume should only be one page, or that your resume should be in chronological format or it won't be read. The truth is that each job seeker has a different set of circumstances and ironclad rules do not exist in resume writing. It is important that you evaluate your situation and come to a conclusion that fits into your reality. A magic pill In order for your resume to be effective, you must know how to use it. Answering want ads or posting your resume on the Internet is not going to get you the results you desire. You have to be an active job searcher and use the resume as a catalyst for your job search - not as your only tool. Your resume must include the type of job you want, what you know, what you have done, and what you offer an employer. About The Author Recognized as a career expert, Linda Matias brings a wealth of experience to the career services field. She has been sought out for her knowledge of the employment market, outplacement, job search strategies, interview preparation, and resume writing, quoted a number of times in The Wall Street Journal, New York Newsday, Newsweek, and She is President of CareerStrides and The National Resume Writers' Association. Visit her website at or email her at CareerStrides 2003 Article Source: phentermine online no prescription required
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