Friday 30 May 2008

Diet Food Delivery - What To Know Before You Buy

By Vienna Miller So you've decided to lose weight the easy way - with a diet food delivery service. Diet delivery is fast becoming one of the most popular ways to lose weight. It's easy, affordable and convenient. But there are so many services to choose from - which one is best for you? This article will help you know what to look for when choosing your diet food delivery program so you can choose the best one for your lifestyle. Key Factors When Choosing A Diet Delivery Service: - Price Prices range from $9 to $39.99 a day depending on what level of service and type of program you want. Higher priced plans are usually gourmet meals, freshly prepared (not frozen) or highly specialized in some way (for example, diabetic-friendly). Prices also vary based on whether or not you want a full plan (breakfast, lunch and dinner) or just lunch and dinner; and how many days of delivery you want (for example 5 or 7 days). Some meal delivery services quote you price per week or price per month. Ways To Save - You can often get discounts by ordering by the month versus ordering by the week. Also, you can often get at least one free meal and up to an entire week of meals depending on which diet delivery program you choose. - Type of Diet Meals Many services are based on a popular program like the Zone or the Jorge Cruise's 3 Hour Diet at Home. Others are based on broad meal types like low-carb or diabetic friendly. Some services will let you choose among different plans like low carb, low calorie, vegetarian or diabetic friendly. Regardless of diet type, most programs are really based on low calorie, portion controlled meals designed to help you lose approximately 2-3 pounds per week. - How Many Meals Per Day In general most diet food delivery services offer you breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some however will only offer lunch and dinner. Others will offer snacks as an added cost whereas other will offer snacks included. Be sure to factor this into your price comparisons depending on what you want. - Fresh Vs. Frozen Some plans offer you fresh food; some offer you frozen food and some offer you both. Frozen meals, in general, are more affordable than fresh. To many people, frozen vs fresh really doesn't make a difference. However some people want fresh food made with no preservatives. These services tend to charge a bit more because of the extra work involved. - Number of Days While most diet food delivery programs offer a 7 day plan, others also give you the option of a 5 day plan (so you can take the weekend off). This is a great convenience for those who want their meals delivered to their office during the week. In general you'll be paying less per week on a 5 day plan, however price per day on these plans is pretty much the same as a 7 day plan. - Menu Variety Although it's hard to get bored with these plans, there are some services that offer better menu variety than others. For example, one service might offer a 4 week rotating menu. This means the menu changes every 4 weeks. Other services may let you choose your menu from a larger selection of food allowing you to ensure you're getting food you love. Also, if you find you don't like what's on the menu, many programs will let you substitute a different meal for a small charge. - Support This may not be a feature that you need, however some people do like extra support while losing weight. You might get access to weight loss tools like chat rooms, e-mail support, message boards, dietitian advice, free articles etc. If weight loss support is important to you, make sure you check out the options before you choose your diet food delivery service. - Commitment Some plans do require you to sign a contract for a certain length of time. The most popular time commitment is 1 month which really isn't asking a lot. After a month you'll know for sure if the program is right for you. If a service asks you for a longer commitment than that, be cautious. Some services don't require you to order 1 month at a time however you'll probably get a discount if you do. Conclusion: Now you know the main features to consider when choosing a diet food delivery service. When you consider these features in light of your preferences and lifestyle, it shouldn't be hard to decide on the best service for you! Vienna Miller writes for Diet Food Delivery - a website offering the latest reviews and ratings on Diet Delivery services. For more information including which services offer free meals and deliver to your area, visit Article Source: quick cash advances with no fax
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Tuesday 27 May 2008

What Does Calorie Have to Do with Fat

By Jade Amethyst People usually look up to someone demonstrating a perfect body shape that is properly trimmed off. Beauty pageants like the Search for Miss Universe, and fashion shows for luxurious garments are obviously showing preference on women with slim fat free bodies. Possibly this is one of the top reasons why most women and even men would surely take out a few bucks from their pockets just to fund some body trimming schemes shown in various ways. Even if climbing up a hill takes extra time and effort, some men and women go for it, while others prefer walking and jogging to burn calories. Some enroll at a gym, played strenuous sports, go fishing or control the food intake. The problem with other people is that they can hardly control themselves from eating that seems like their hobby already. How do people get fat? How do calories differ from fats? Carbohydrates From the digestive area, carbohydrates are engrossed as simple sugars, known as glucose that is maintained in the blood at about constant level. Glucose undergo catabolism to satiate the bodys need for energy. Under this procedure, the molecule of glucose splits down into carbon compounds that are at once oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. If the glucose is not used for any activity, it is converted to the so called glycogen that stays in the liver and muscles. Glucose are transformed into fats when the reserves for the liver and muscles are full or packed already. The fats go to adipose tissue. Anabolic and catabolic reactions are associated to produce a particular, life-essential end products. When anabolism exceeds catabolism, growth or weight gain takes place. On the other hand, when catabolism goes over anabolism, like during periods of hunger or illness, the weight loss takes effect. When the two metabolic processes are equally balanced, the organism is more or less in a stage of dynamic stability. Fats Fat substances undergo hydrolysis and putrefy into their component glycerine and fatty acids. These are synthesized for purposes of neutralizing fats, fatty acids and cholesterol compounds and phospholipids. Fats might be stored in the body tissue for later use when necessary. Herbals for Loosing Weight With the outset of the new medical apparatus and technology, more and more processed pills had been manufactured and come out of the market. All of them are bearing labels with positive self- serving claims that could make shoppers almost want to buy the whole products. There were also those made in a form of tea. Some had been influenced by the traditional way of getting slim. But as between processed pills and herbal medicines, the latter would still be safer without much side effects compared to the former. Herbal slimming pill came from a variety of herbal plants that originated from several places. There were those coming from Africa, Philippines, or China, not to mention other nations. Need for Slim Body Precisely because peoples culture generally discriminate obese and plump men and women from participating in certain events, people nowadays are dying hard to prune their figures in many ways. Some tried drinking coffee, tea, and taking pills for weight control. If nothing happened with your body, you might want to try herbal dietary supplements that can control or block your fats from developing into a full body fat. Jade Amethyst Article Source: nigeria money lenders
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Friday 23 May 2008

About Trees

By David Evermon Every gardener knows that trees are the thing that makes a garden, tree create the outline of a garden, can be used to separate different parts of garden to be used for different landscaping and sometimes used to create ea feeling of solitude and isolation form external features like neighbors or buildings. Naturally some of us, even the ones who are not the average gardener, simply love trees for what they are, to hear the wind blowing their leaves away or just for relaxing or taking a nap under a trees shadow is enough to appreciate a tree. But these days trees are becoming much more than that, with growing awareness to the environment trees are becoming a product, they serve as gifts and as special features in gardens and in front of houses. The gardening industry has expanded beyond simply cutting flowers and mowing the lawn, now there are garden designers, landscape artists and many more titles that are concerned with the general look of a garden, one of the important responsibilities when thinking of a garden design is to create harmony and balance which is impossible without trees, and when experts do the work they want very particular tees to complete the picture and this is where the new attitude toward trees begins. For example there is growing awareness to the olive tree today, since it is so hard to find and such a strong and wonderful tree many people would like to place it in their gardens as a symbol for the family to remember, the palm trees are growing in popularity because of the certain feeling that they give to people and many more other trees correspond to different needs. A crabapple tree is one of the most impressive trees you can have in a backyard or a garden, it is a tree that is of the family of the rose trees and its floors are magnificent, when you have such a tree in your garden you will surely pay attention to it and once it starts flowering you will have something very special happening just before your eyes, which by itself is a wonderful experience. Although owning trees may sound a little bad it is not at all the case, in fact the growing use of trees in private houses is contributing o the understanding and love of trees, it is very important that we lead to identify trees and that we recognize tree as a living thing that we all use in our every day activity, it is wonderful that children live by trees and learn to accept different trees as part of their family heritage, continuing it after their parents and creating a society that will love and protect trees in the future. Even if you do not have a house of your own and live in an apartment youu can still grow trees, bonsai trees are famous for their need of dedication and treatment, it is also known that many take their trees with them once moving out of places, strengthening the bond between human and plant, man and tree. David Evermon has been involved in many environment related projects, writing on many subjects related to the environment and project management his hobbies and gardening, read his articles about Trees Article Source: 30 day payday loans
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Wednesday 21 May 2008

Tips On...Fighting Saltwater Game Fish A Beginners Guide

By Adrian Watt The following guidance assumes you are fairly new to big game saltwater fishing and are out fishing on a charter boat. This type of information is given to all guests aboard our game boats if they are not experienced anglers. Occasionally we have to remind experienced anglers as well ! Lets assume you are out doing some general trolling for wahoo, mahi mahi or tuna on 30lb class IGFA tackle. The deckie has set a pattern of 4 lures behind the boat and one of the reels starts to scream. 1. Pick up the rod. Sounds simple but sometimes the rod seems to be jammed in the rod holder. Dont try to yank or force it out. Its wedged because of the pressure the fish is exerting on the rod tip. Grasp the rod fore-grip in front of the reel and pull it slightly backwards (away from the fish). You will find that the rod then easily comes out of the rod holder. 2. Assume the position. Unless you are fighting a fish from a game chair, hold the rod with the reel uppermost, your left hand well up the fore-grip and the butt of the rod resting low down on your hip. This leaves your right hand free to wind the reel handle. Hold the rod at about 45 degrees. The higher up the rod your left hand is, the more leverage you can apply. Its important that you feel comfortable. Some fights can last hours though 10-20 minutes is the norm so you had better be comfy. It is usual at this point for the deckie to put a butt pad on you. No, its not a comfy cushion for you to sit on - its a plastic cushioned pad that hangs from your waist, rests on your thighs and has a slot where you rest the butt of the rod. This will stop the rod butt digging into you and causing bruising and spread the load over your thighs during a prolonged fight. With the end of the rod sitting in the butt pad and your left hand holding the fore-grip you should feel stable and comfortable. You are on a boat, its moving around so step up to the side of the boat or better still the corner, bend your knees slightly and wedge your knees slightly under the cockpit combing - the padded edge. This is a good stable position even on a pitching and rolling boat. 3. Keep The Rod Tip Bent. Its that simple. The greatest cause of fish being lost is the line not being tight between the rod tip and the fish. If the line is not tight, the hook is not being held in place and the fish will likely spit the lure out. If the rod tip is bent at all times, then pressure is being applied to the fish at all times. This also means that the fish doesnt get a free rest and you will wear him out more quickly and get him to the boat sooner. If the fish swims towards you, wind wind wind to keep that line tight and the rod tip bent. The rod also acts as a shock absorber. Any jerks from sudden movements by the fish are absorbed by the rod tip. If you point the rod straight at the fish, its not doing anything and sudden jerks are transmitted straight to you and the reel. (Trust me it will end in tears) 4. Slow Down Its Not A Race ! Most (wait scrub that) ALL novice anglers when confronted with a screaming reel panic and franticly wind like crazy. You are wasting your time and energy. If the reel is screaming it means that it is paying out line and will continue to do so whether you try to wind or not. Wait for the fish to end its run for cover. Then you can think about winding. 5. Lift Up and Wind Down Good quality game fishing reels have a sophisticated drag system. A reasonable analogy would be the clutch in a manual car. Adjusting the lever drag on a game reel is like depressing the cars clutch pedal. All the way out and the engine is engaged, (reel drag engaged), all the way in and the engine is free wheeling (Reel is in Free-spool). This means that an angler can set the lever drag somewhere in the middle. The reel will then pay out line (clutch will slip) when the line is pulled with sufficient force. To put it simply, you can set the drag to pay out line if the fish pulls harder than a set amount. It is normal for the drag to be set at between one quarter and one third the breaking strain of the line. In theory it is therefore impossible for the fish to snap the line. If the fish pulls really hard, instead of the line snapping, the reel just lets line out. When the fish ends its run, the reel will go quiet and the pressure on the rod tip will ease up a little. Now is the time to win some of that line back. Raise the rod tip, start to wind the reel and whilst winding, slowly lower the rod tip. Dont raise the rod tip so high that its over your head and dont lower it so low that the rod is pointing at the fish. Lift up and wind down. Try to keep your movements as smooth as possible and keep that rod tip bent at all times. 6. Tag & Release or Boating a fish Different fish react in different ways when near the boat. Yellowfin tuna for example go into a circular pattern underneath the hull. The most important thing here is to not let the line touch any part of the boat. If it does, it will probably break. The skipper will manoeuvre the vessel as best he can to keep the line and fish away from the props and rudders but its also your job not to let the line touch the side of the boat. Feel free to move about the cockpit. Change sides if the fish swims in the other direction. Dont plant yourself in one spot and stay there. Listen up for instructions from the crew and move to anywhere where its just you and the fish with no boat in between. Usually the boat will be slowly moving forwards. You are trying to work the fish up alongside the boat so that the fish can then be tagged or gaffed. Moving the boat forwards maintains a flow of water over the fish and its gills. This keeps the fish much happier than if you stopped and the fish is therefore less stressed and less likely to do something unexpected. It is always a good idea to do this if you intend on tagging and releasing the fish. 7. And Lastly Everybody looses fish, even the real pros. Dont knock yourself down. Learn from mistakes and it wont happen again. Every trip out there I learn something new. Dont be shy in asking questions. Gamefishing is a sport and like all sports, you need to practice... Just make sure you have fun practicing. Adrian was born on the island of Cyprus and graduated to his first rod & reel at the age of five. Having fished around the world from the Arabian Gulf to the North sea and English Channel, he finally settled for the tropical waters of the South Pacific around the island of Kadavu, Fiji Islands. Director of Matava Resort Gamefishing, he skippers 'Bite Me', the resort's 31ft DeepVee Gamefishing vessel and thoroughly enjoys exploring the light and heavy tackle fishing around the island and Great Astrolabe Barrier Reef. An IGFA Certified Captain, he advocates tag & release and is a keen supporter of the IGFA and the Billfish Foundation. Adrian Watt,
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Sunday 18 May 2008

Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a Treatment for Depression to be Launched in May

By Charles Donovan Final FDA approval of vagus nerve stimulation as a therapy for chronic or recurrent treatment-resistant depression to be issued in May. Psychiatrists will then officially be able to prescribe this remarkable, life changing therapy for patients. On April 7th, 2005, the manufacturer of the vagus nerve stimulator( Cyberonics, Inc.) announced that it had been notified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) that one the few remaining conditions of final FDA approval had been satisfied. Cyberonics also announced that it was very confident that the two remaining conditions will be expeditously satisfied and that final FDA approval will be issued in May. Robert P. (Skip) Cummins, Cyberonics Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer commented: This major step forward towards the accomplishment of Cyberonics mission to improve the lives of people touched by refractory epilepsy and treatment-resistant depression (TRD) would not have been possible without the timely, diligent, interactive and cooperative efforts of the entire Dallas District Office staff led by Michael Chappell, District Director, and the Cyberonics regulatory team. Cyberonics and CDRH continue to make good progress towards our goal of satisfying the remaining conditions of final TRD approval. The official launch of vagus nerve stimulation as a treatment for depression will take place at the American Psychiatric Association's Annual Meeting at the World Congress Center in Atlanta from May 21st to May 25th. The Annual Meeting will be attended by over 20,000 psychiatrists. Major depressive disorder is one of the most prevalent and serious illnesses in the U.S., affecting nearly 19 million Americans every year. Depression is the second leading cause of disability for the general population and the leading cause of disability for American women. Approximately 20 percent of depressed Americans, or approximately four million people, experience chronic or recurrent treatment-resistant depression that has failed to respond to multiple antidepressant treatments. If approved, the VNS Therapy System will be the first implantable device-based treatment for depression and the first treatment developed, studied and labeled specifically for patients with treatment-resistant depression. Vagus nerve stimulation will be the mainstream treatment for chronic or treatment-resistant depression. Over four million American suffer from chronic depression. The final FDA approval will be considered one of the major breakthroughs in medical device history. You can learn more at There is a free electronic newsletter to keep you up-to-date. Charles Donovan was a patient in the FDA investigational trial of vagus nerve stimulation as a treatment for chronic or recurrent treatment-resistant depression. He was implanted with the vagus nerve stimulator in April of 2001. He chronicles his journey from the grips of depression thanks to vagus nerve stimulation therapy in his book: Out of the Black Hole: The Patient's Guide to Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Depression The book will be exhibited at the American Psychiatric Association's Annual Meeting in May. He is editor the Web Site Article Source: personal loans easy to get
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Wednesday 14 May 2008

Purchasing an Existing Business - Legal Do's and Don'ts

By Greg Artim Purchasing an existing business can be a very rewarding endeavor. The first thing that comes to mind about purchasing an existing business is the avoidance of start-up costs. The initial costs of creating a new business can be staggering, in addition to the costs for advertising that new business, with no guarantee of a return on your investment. The existing business, however, will have a track record that you can look at as far as income and expenses. While previous performance is no guarantee, it at least gives you a ballpark reference as to what you can expect. There are many legal considerations when purchasing an existing business. First and foremost is to know exactly what you are purchasing. Are you purchasing the entire business and all of its components, or are you merely purchasing the assets of the business? This is an important issue because you want to make sure that you are not purchasing another persons mistakes. If you are purchasing the entirety of another business, you may be assuming responsibility for all of that business debts and liabilities, known or unknown. For that reason, we usually recommend that the purchase only include the assets of the existing business. There are exceptions to this rule which are based upon the size, goodwill and standing of the existing business, but that is to be considered on a case by case basis. When making an Asset purchase, it is extremely important to set forth in writing exactly what the assets are, so there is no confusion after the transaction closes. Make a list of the physically identifiable assets, i.e. the copy machine, the customer list, the desks and chairs, etc... You should also make a list of the intangible assets, i.e. the phone number of the existing business. The failure to consider the exact assets included in the purchase account for many of the business transaction claims that are brought into my office. The next legal consideration regards the type of business that you are purchasing. Whether its a Pizza shop or an Insurance business, you want to make sure that the Seller will not open up a similar business right next door to the business that you are purchasing. This is where a Covenant Not to Compete is essential. Almost every type of business purchase transaction should include such a covenant. The Covenant Not to Compete should prevent the Seller from doing many things, including opening a similar establishment, using client or customer lists of the established business, hiring employees of the existing business or advising others to use a competing business. These Covenants are typically limited in time and location. If the Seller is unwilling to enter into such an agreement, the business may not be worth purchasing. Take the time and effort to consult with your local attorney if you are considering purchasing an existing business. It may save you thousand of dollars and hours of time in the long run. Greg Artim is an Attorney based in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. For more information on related legal issues, please visit his website at Article Source: legal available payday loans
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Monday 12 May 2008

The Process of Becoming Healthy, Make the Decision to Start the Journey

By John D Zelem, MD I am a General Surgeon with a passion for Health and Wellness. The number one New Years Resolution has to do with Health, Exercise, and Diet. We all feel that it is the best time to start for the first time or again. The percentage of people that make it through the whole year is disappointingly small and here is why I believe it happens. As I watch what is going on in the media I am beginning to believe that we are becoming a credit card society. What I mean by that is we get what we want now and are willing to pay for it later, immediate gratification. That does not work with our health. The media also suggests to us that we can lose large amounts of weight or get a six-pack abdomen in a six-eight week time frame. That is impossible in all but extreme situations. We take these kinds of external influences into consideration when it comes to our health and look for those immediate results. Becoming Healthy is not an overnight miracle; It is a process just like learning how to walk is a process. You could not cheat that process or find any shortcuts. You cannot take a seed and grow it to harvest in three days. You cannot change or cheat the Process of nature. As you read this article you are either becoming healthy or unhealthy. You cannot stand still. It is just like if you were standing on a staircase; you either go up or down, but cannot stand on the same step forever. The question becomes Do you want to get Healthy? You, first of all, need to know your reasons for getting healthy. Some of us just need to look at our medical history and there are a plethora of reasons there. We, as a nation, are beginning to lead the world in obesity and diabetes. Becoming healthy can reverse many of these trends. Once you know your reasons, you need to make some commitments to your cause. We, as human beings, are good at making commitments, but, for the majority, do very poorly in carrying them out. Just look at New Years Resolutions. We also tend to react to crisis faster than the subtle hints that we get everyday. We decide to improve our health after the heart attack instead of doing things to help prevent it. There are two phrases to keep in mind as you consider the content of this Letter. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing everyday expecting different results. We all are guilty of that in all aspects of our lives, not just our health. We feel that we can change our results with our old habits and actions but if you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. The other phrase is: If you want to make some changes in your life, you have to make some changes in your life. Change is often uncomfortable because we are so secure in our comfort zones, but change is good. It is part of the process. We will not make these changes that we need to make to improve our health and lives if the reasons for doing so are not important enough. So with all of this as background, how does one get started? Stated very simply, take the first step: make the decision to start the journey. Every journey begins with the first step. Make some commitments; develop new habits. You do that every day of your life for your job or profession because you want the result at the end of the week, a paycheck. What about another result? Your good health. One caution: Dont do it alone. Find yourself a mentor, someone who has done what you want to do and is very successful at it. In the area of health it may be your doctor, a personal trainer, a nutritionist, etc. Find someone with the fruit on the tree and follow their direction and advice. You will pay a golf pro to improve your game. Find a pro in your health. Finally, set some goals and go after them. Let your mentor guide you in the process initially. Remember this: Becoming healthy is a process, which must be an ongoing journey. Learn to enjoy the journey for, believe it or not, the success of achieving these goals is not in attaining them, it is the process of becoming who or what you need to become while you are doing it. This information can be found in the book The Process Of Becoming Healthy at Dr Zelem is the author and is available for seminars on this topic. Email: or call 866-222-4884 Article Source:,_MD,-Make-the-Decision-to-Start-the-Journey&id=135918 personal loan income tax
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Sunday 4 May 2008

Strategic Marketing and Tactical Marketing - Know The Differences And Profit

By Marc Gamble Most people mistakenly assume that when you talk about marketing, you're automatically talking about "Tactical" marketing - placing ads, generating leads, sending out mailers, attending trades shows, creating brochures, implementing a follow-up system, and so forth. They fail to realize that the "Strategic" side of the coin - what you say, how you say it, and who you say it to - is almost always MORE important than the marketing medium of WHERE you say it. So, What's The Difference Between Strategic And Tactical Marketing? The distinction between the two is huge. "Tactical Marketing" is the execution of your marketing plan, such as generating leads, placing media, creating marketing tools, and implementing a follow-up system. In other words, it's the medium in which your message is delivered. "Strategic Marketing" has to do with what you say, how you say it, and who you say it to. In other words, it's the content of your marketing message. Strategic Marketing starts with understanding your customers and the things that are important to them, understanding "WHY John Smith buys". "If You Want To Know WHY John Smith Buys What John Smith Buys, You've Got To See The World THROUGH John Smith's Eyes." Just putting a marketing message in an appropriate medium for John Smith to hear or read is not good enough. The strategy must derive from an understanding of what's important to John Smith. Otherwise, this tactical part of the marketing process will be much less effective, resulting in ads that under-perform. Many companies try to figure out how to sell more before they find out how to provide a solution to their consumers' needs. The procedure for accomplishing this is exactly the same every single time, for every kind of business. It's The Advertiser's Job To Pay Attention To Human Nature.
Buyers Always Want To Make The Best Decision Possible. Strategically, marketing programs and advertising should get the attention of target market prospects and facilitate their decision-making. This lowers their risk for taking the next step in the buying process. By understanding what's important to your target market, you can then put together a strategy that gets more qualified prospects to call, reduces your sales cycle, and increases your conversion ratios. AFTER the strategy is in place, the tactical execution simply consists of testing and implementing your strategic plan. Good luck with your marketing efforts. About The Author: Marc Gamble, the author, is a wealth consultant and business
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Friday 2 May 2008

LG U400: A Stylish 3G Phone

By []Caitlin Lucy The LG U400 3G black slider mobile phone incorporates an integrated music player which allows the user to search by artist, genre or title, create playlists and access, play tunes while surfing the web at 3G speeds, and download tracks over-the-air. The handset also features 2.0 megapixel camera, 2" colour QVGA screen, flat-screen design, 'DJ' scroll-wheel for super-fast music navigation, stereo Bluetooth enabling wireless music headphones and music composer. Through the external scroll wheel, you can navigate through the handsets features as a click-scroll or five-way joypad. The LG U400 mobile phone is a beautiful 3G phone with a stylish slide action opening system. The LG U400 handset can be opened to reveal an easy to operate keypad for inputting text, dialling numbers & adding information. Its key features include 3G technology, media player (AMR, MP3, AAC, AAC+, ADPCM & WMA) for Scratching2 Megapixel Camera with Zoom & Flash, audio & video on demand streaming, bluetooth technology. The expandable memory slot allows the user to expand the phones memory easily & to suit their memory requirements. You can store music, video & photos in large volume with the memory card slot option on the U400. Connect your phone to your personal computer & easily drag & drop music or video files from your personal computer onto the external memory card without using additional software. The LG U400 weighs 114 grams and measures 99.8 x 48 x 20.4 mm which provides a solid & easy to hold mobile phone. The flash light allows you to play flash light games, graphics & presentations. There are manageable every day features such as a full phone book feature & organiser. So purchase your LG U400 mobile phone now and get great deals and amazing offers on it. []LG U400 Caitlin Lucy is the webmaster of and specializing in the different genres of mobile phones, polyphonic ringtones, mobile phone games and mobile phone wallpapers and etc. Article Source: crinonlgy credit repair
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