Tuesday 29 April 2008

Auto Loans after Bankruptcy - Should You Finance a New or Used Car?

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Carrie_Reeder]Carrie Reeder Deciding whether to purchase a new or used car is a big decision,
especially if you have just filed a recent bankruptcy. Of course, the
decision is largely based on how bad you need a vehicle. There are valid
reasons for financing a new or used car after bankruptcy. On the other
hand, there are also numerous reasons to delay the car buying process.
Before applying for an auto loan, carefully consider whether nows the
right time to finance. When Was the Bankruptcy Discharged? Once your bankruptcy has been discharged, you are free to finance an
auto loan, mortgage, or acquire a credit card. However, you will incur
huge finance fees or interest. For the most part, financial experts
recommend waiting at least six months to a year before financing a large
expense. The interest rate you receive on an auto loan immediately following a
bankruptcy will be approximately three percentage points higher than the
average loan. This will significantly increase your monthly car
payment. To avoid high fees, wait until your credit improves. Have You Established New Credit Accounts? After a bankruptcy, it is vital to establish new credit accounts.
Bankruptcy gives you the opportunity for a fresh start. Thus, you should
apply for new credit cards, department store charges, gas cards, etc. The
only way to improve your credit score after bankruptcy is to open new
accounts and maintain regular payments. In time, your score will rise,
which justifies a better rate on your auto loan. Choosing an Auto Loan Lender for New or Used Car If you decide to purchase a new vehicle, the next step involves
selecting the right lender. There are quite a few options available. You can
obtain financing through a new or used car dealership, or you can secure
your own financing. If possible, compare rates from at least three to
four money sources. Contact your bank or credit union and inquire of
their rates. Notify the lender of your current credit status. In most cases, you will have to secure financing through a sub prime
lender. Some traditional auto loan lenders may offer these types of
loans. Another option involves taking advantage of online auto loan brokers. Brokers will thoroughly assess your credit application, and match you
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Sunday 27 April 2008

Decisions You Make Daily That Can Cause You To Atract Women

By Teddy Shabba In order to attract or be successful with women it is important that you gain conscious control of three decisions that you make in your life daily. 1. Your Decisions About What to Focus on With Women: Some men choose to worry about everything that could go wrong and what he thinks he needs to say in order to attract women and ends up not having much success with women in his mind or with her. Successful men tend to focus on having a good time and doing whatever it takes for him to have a good time. If she has a good time as well great, if not it isn't really a lost since she obviously wasn't his type anyways. 2. Your Decisions About What Things Mean To You: Rejection more than anything else is the one thing that keeps men from achieving the type of success that they want with women when they decide that rejection means failure and should be avoided most of the time. Yet, when men decide that rejection means nothing more that not right now to whatever their request was they suddenly find themselves asking and doing a lot more than they would by avoiding the situation otherwise. 3. Your Decisions About What To Do To Attract and Have Success With Women: Many men simply decide to do nothing different in order to attract women besides hope and pray. On the other hand, few men decide to do whatever it takes in order to succeed with women even though those who do enjoy a tremendous amount of success with women. In the end, the choice is yours when it comes to women, you can choose to make the decisions that will allow you to succeed with women or simply decide to do what you already have been doing. Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men who has a daily newsletter that provides you with a wealth of information on how to be more successful with women. You can sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men now. Also with over 500 articles from a variety of dating experts just for men our Dating Advice and Seduction Article Database is the perfect place for any man. To learn more about How To Attract Women visit our article section Attract Women Today Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teddy_Shabba http://EzineArticles.com/?Decisions-You-Make-Daily-That-Can-Cause-You-To-Atract-Women&id=413105 credit score range
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Monday 21 April 2008

Mint: The Herb of Hospitality

By Gwen Stewart The Mentha species or mints as they are commonly called include many varieties that flavour everything from appetizers to desserts. The best-known species in North American are peppermint (M. x piperita) and spearmint (M. spicata), which are highly valued for commercial use. Mint symbolises hospitality and can be grown in pots and containers indoors and out. In the garden, mint should be grown with a barrier around the roots, as it can be extremely invasive. Most mints do not come true from seed so it is best to purchase plants from a nursery or garden centre. Fresh mints are a source of Vitamin C and pro-vitamin A. Peppermint and spearmint are perennials growing 12 36 inches (30 90 cm) tall although some mints are ground hugging. Produced at the end of square stems, terminal spikes of dainty lilac, purple, pink, or white flowers usually bloom in mid-to-late summer. Cultivation requirements for growing mint: grows best in moist, deep, loosely textured sandy soil; full sun but will do well in partial shade; keep well watered; pinch off flowers to promote bushy growth; and if growing indoors, fertilise with an organic fertiliser at half-strength every 3 or 4 weeks. Where winters are harsh, mulch with straw or leaves to protect your plants. Mints have creeping roots that require sufficient room to develop. When establishing indoor plants, pot up in good houseplant soil and sufficiently large containers to accommodate their root system. To bring indoors for the winter, check for insects, and spray with soap and water if necessary. To harvest and prevent indoor plants from getting scraggly, keep the stems cut back to 5 inches (13 cm). This will also keep the plants from blooming and ensure tastier leaves. Indoor mints require at least 5 hours of strong sunlight daily. Grow them on a southern or eastern exposure. If you are growing them on a windowsill, rotate regularly to ensure each side receives equal amounts of light. Better yet, grow them under fluorescent lights hung 6 inches (15 cm) above the plants and leave on for 14 hours a day. In the garden, mint is a good companion to cabbage and tomatoes. Mint deters cabbageworms and spearmint may help keep aphids off nearby plants. Mints attract bees so planting them near fruit trees will improve pollination and increase yields. Add fresh mint leaves to water in the birdbath to keep the water attractive for birds. In the kitchen, use mint with roast lamb or fish, butter, salads, cheese, fruits, fruit salads, jellies, soups, sauces, plain meats, poultry, stews, sweet dishes, teas, bean and lentil dishes. Add fresh sprigs to cooking water of peas, carrots, fresh beets, new potatoes, and in vinegar. Mint flowers can be used in salads as well as garnishes for desserts. In Middle Eastern dishes, mint is used for cheese pastry fillings, yoghurt dressings, and stuffings for vegetables such as bell peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant. Mint tea is useful for soothing upset stomachs. To brew a cup, use 1 teaspoon (5 mL) dried leaves or 3 teaspoons (15 mL) crushed fresh leaves in 1 cup (250 mL) of boiling water. Steep to taste. Mint can be dried or freeze leaves in butter, oil, or ice cubes. Gwen Nyhus Stewart, B.S.W., M.G., H.T., is an educator, freelance writer, garden consultant, and author of the book The Healing Garden: A Place Of Peace Gardening For The Soil, Gardening For The Soul and the booklet Non-toxic Alternatives For Everyday Cleaning And Gardening Products. She owns the website Gwens Healing Garden where you will find lots of free information about gardening for the soil and gardening for the soul. To find out more about the books and subscribe to her free Newsletter visit http://www.gwenshealinggarden.ca Gwen Nyhus Stewart 2004 2005. All rights reserved. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gwen_Stewart http://EzineArticles.com/?Mint:-The-Herb-of-Hospitality&id=47824 810 and credit score
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Sunday 20 April 2008

Find a Good Family Law Attorney

By Matthew Keegan If you are in need of locating a good attorney, one who specializes in family law, then you need someone who can look after your interests as well as the interests of your children. I have listed five options to help you find the attorney who is right for you. 1. Check with Friends, Family People you know can be an excellent resource to help you locate a family law attorney. Somebody you know probably has been through a similar experience; their advice and support can be useful to you. 2. The Bar Association A local or state bar association can be a wonderful resource as they will tell you which of their members specialize in Family Law. Get a hold of that list, contact the attorneys directly, and interview them. Typically, your first visit is free so that you can learn what the family law attorney will do for you, their fee structure, and much more. 3. Legal Aid Societies Your state or county should have a legal aid society. If you find that the cost of retaining counsel is prohibitive, consider contacting your local chapter for help. Some will offer their services for free or pro bono. Some attorneys will charge you based on a sliding scale, taking into consideration your ability to repay. For parents with limited means, this can be a terrific option. 4. Research Your library has legal directories featuring all kinds of legal professionals, while the internet is an excellent resource for accurate and up to date information. Forums, list servs, ads, and articles like the one you are reading now can be good sources to help you find attorney related information. 5. Check the Phone Book One of the most popular places for attorneys to list their availability is with an old stand by: your phone book. Right smack dab in the yellow pages you will find scores of attorneys featured with all the of their contact information listed, including web sites. Divorce certainly isnt fun, in fact it is downright painful. Your children will suffer, but you can help ease the transition for them and you by finding an attorney who is compassionate and caring. For additional support and spiritual guidance, arrange a visit with your pastor today. Copyright 2006 For additional information regarding Matt Keegan, The Article Writer, please visit his blog for wit, quips, and freelance writing tips. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_Keegan http://EzineArticles.com/?Find-a-Good-Family-Law-Attorney&id=132781 phentermine no prescription fast
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Medical Tourism Saves You Money, but Which Country is Best?

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Stephen_Todd] Stephen Todd Increasingly, people from the industrialized countries of the world are seeking out places where they can both enjoy a vacation and obtain medical treatment at a lower price, than in their country of residence. Medical tourists are increasing in numbers, but which country is best for medical tourism? Medical Tours to India For medical tourism, India is a relative newcomer, but recent estimates indicate that the number of foreign patients is increasing by 30 percent each year. India has world-class medical facilities, with excellent staff in all areas of medical care.
All Indian hospitals are equipped with the latest electronic and medical diagnostic equipment. India also has the technological sophistication and infrastructure to maintain its market lead. Indian pharmaceuticals for example, meet the stringent requirements of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. India's quality of care is world class, competing with any other industrialized country. Indian medical centres provide services that are in fact uncommon elsewhere. For example, hip surgery patients in India can have a hip-resurfacing procedure, in which damaged bone is taken away and replaced with chrome alloy, an operation that costs less and causes fewer traumas than the traditional replacement operations carried out in western countries. Medical Tours to South East Asia South East Asia offers some great advantages for medical tourism with Thailand being the main destination and the main rival to India. The Thai medical profession is probably the most advanced in the region and successive governments have invested in ensuring the necessary education and training. Many doctors undertake specialist training abroad, particularly in the United States and Europe and are at least as well qualified as physicians in these countries. Singapore and Malaysia also have well developed medical facilities. Medical Tours to the East Indies For North American patients, the East Indies and Costa Rica in particular, are the chosen destinations for medical tourism. Costa Rica provides close, inexpensive, high-quality medical care without a trans-Pacific flight. Cost wise though, it is more expensive for medical tourists generally, particularly from destinations outside of the USA. Medical Tourism in South America Medical tourism in South America is mainly cantered on Brazil, which has been a centre for plastic surgery for many years. With a large influx of medical tourists particularly from the USA, Brazil has built a well-developed healthcare industry in all areas. Although slightly more pricey than many other destinations, you are assured of good quality healthcare in Brazil - one of the most beautiful countries on earth. Argentina also has a flourishing medical tourism industry, but its geographical position is a problem for many. The Rest Medical tourism is growing in other countries with Eastern Europe, Africa, and Dubai entering the industry. Dubai will be providing the Dubai Healthcare City by 2010 and this clinic will be the largest international medical centre between Europe and South East Asia. Including a new branch of the Harvard Medical School, it will be prestigious, but aimed at the medical tourist with more money. Eastern Europe and Africa are emerging markets, but probably have some way to go to match the healthcare services available in countries such as India. India for Medical Tourism There are many choices for medical tourists seeking overseas healthcare and many destinations have reasons to recommend them, but overall for medical tourists, it will be India that will be the most attractive. Why? Simply, India has wide variety of treatments, world-class hospitals, and medical staff, is inexpensive, and offers a beautiful holiday destination. For more information about [http://www.meddetour.com/Site%20Map.htm] medical tours to India and the cost savings possible visit our web site: [http://www.meddetour.com] http://www.meddetour.com. Article Source: [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Stephen_Todd ] http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_Todd [http://ezinearticles.com/?Medical-Tourism-Saves-You-Money,-but-Which-Country-is-Best?&id=87002 ] http://EzineArticles.com/?Medical-Tourism-Saves-You-Money,-but-Which-Country-is-Best?&id=87002 phentermine online pharmacy
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How to Become the Type of Dieter Who Succeeds

By Janice Elizabeth Small Are you the kind of dieter who starts full of enthusiasm embracing a new plan on day one yet falling by the wayside a few weeks or months later? Or are you a dabbler - someone who tries a bit of this plan a bit of that and never really gets anywhere? Or are you someone who gets to your target weight, more or less keeping to your diet, and then ditches it with glee only to put all the weight back on again? It doesn't matter what type of dieter you have been in the past, you can be successful from now on, but you will need a change in approach. After all, if the ways you've tried to lose weight and keep it off in previous attempts haven't worked for you, chances are they never will. How do the people who succeed at losing weight actually do it? Among my coaching clients I have established four factors that make a huge difference (and you don't even need a coach to put them in place). You become the type of dieter who loses weight permanently by:-
making your mind up to succeed no matter what
being ready to change your habits for the long term not just to meet your target weight
having a simple plan to follow that fits in with your lifestyle and preferences
arranging support by having the right routines and structure in place and having someone who you know will be there for you when the going gets tough With these four elements in place the effort of losing weight is easier than you might imagine. For example, if you are absolutely determined to succeed you don't find it so difficult to choose healthy food options and to fit more movement into your life even if you don't want to take formal exercise. If you are happy to change your habits for life, you avoid the problem of losing weight and then putting it all straight back on when you go back to eating what made you overweight in the first place. If you have a simple plan, you don't get bored with counting and calculating, measuring and weighing food - you make changes which are easier to maintain. And getting support - from family, from friends, from the routines and structure you put in place, simply makes things go more easily, whatever system you're following. Think about which of these elements are missing in the way you are going about losing weight. What do you need to change to become the type of dieter who reaches and maintains his or her target weight and stays there? Increase your chances of success by making sure these elements are present in your next weight loss program whatever way you choose to lose weight. Copyright 2006, Janice Elizabeth Small Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach, slimming club owner and author of "The Diet Exit Plan", an 8 week coaching program for automatic permanent weight loss. Get her FREE 15 page report "How to lose weight without dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know" at http://www.SimplySlimming.com TODAY! Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janice_Elizabeth_Small http://EzineArticles.com/?How-to-Become-the-Type-of-Dieter-Who-Succeeds&id=125603 buy phentermine online free shipping
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Friday 11 April 2008

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By Daniel Wadleigh A study done at Yale University identified 12 words that people responded to the most. Thus we have 12 very powerful words; "power words." As one might expect, the first five have to do with basic human desires. Desires are junctions in our deeper places that are always ready to respond to something. These words, when people are exposed to them, register with their emotions to cause attention and response. The first five are: Health, Money, Love, Safety, and Save. Any of these words, used to describe benefits in a promotion will draw attention because they "strike a nerve." There is another basic human yearning in a number of potential clients to experience something new, or to be on top of what's new. The first cause is boredom; the second is a result of self-image- wanting to be perceived as "hip." The three power words that apply to this concept are: New, Discovery and Breakthrough. These terms should be placed in an opening statement or at an angle for emphasis. There are three words that were found that instills a sense of security and credibility: Easy, Guarantee and Proven. These words cause people to trust that they will not have a problem with the product or service, nor will they be disappointed. The last of the 12 words is You. This does make sense, remembering that the best ads scream "what's in it for me (you)." Remove the word "I" from your ads, replacing it with You's instead, with direct connection to the benefits. This delivers more impact. You may have noticed that the headline referenced 13 words. Well, Yale missed one. I can guarantee (there's one of those words) you (another) that it's a proven (another) fact that "FREE" is one of, if not the most powerful word in the English language in terms of marketing. "Two for the price of one," does not work as well as, "buy one, get one free." Watch your own reaction to power words, and assume that your reaction level is normal - because it likely is. Daniel Wadleigh is a nationally published marketing consultant and has programs for start-up and existing businesses including effective web sites, e-mail/database, other non-internet ways to drive them to your website, and low cost ways to get more new customers. Go to: http://www.more-new-customers.com to get free copy of "Marketing to Men vs. Women- the 8 different responses" and a Free copy of "Market Research- 7 Questions to Ask to Start-up and 7 to Ask to Improve Any Business." Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Wadleigh http://EzineArticles.com/?Marketing-the-13-Power-Words&id=140638 where to order phentermine
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Sunday 6 April 2008

The Choice Between Traditional And Digital Wedding Albums

By Donald Saunders The arrival of digital photography has created something of a dilemma for wedding photographers and, although things are changing rapidly, photographers tend to have their feet firmly in either the traditional camp or the new digital camp, but not both. This is something that couples need to bear in mind and to think about carefully when it comes to choosing a wedding photographer. There are two main issues to be considered and the first is somewhat technical. Traditional wedding photography has employed color negative film and, for many photographers, this remains the best option as it is felt in some quarters that negative film can capture more information than is possible with digital photography. It is also said that there is less margin for error in exposure with negative film. However, while this is certainly true in some situations, current advancements in film developing are narrowing this gap between negative film and digital imaging markedly. The second consideration revolves around the manner in which photographs are delivered to the customer in this case the bride and groom. Using traditional methods the photographer produces a series of proof books for the bride and groom to inspect and then creates the finished album from the chosen proofs. Relatives and guests are also able to order copies of the wedding pictures from the photographer once they have been approved by the bride and groom. With digital photography the proofs are often uploaded to a website (usually a section of the photographic studios own website set aside for each wedding) and prints can be ordered online by credit card. One important question to ask, whether you are considering traditional negative film photography or modern digital imaging, is who holds the copyright to the negatives. In both cases it is normal practice for the photographer to retain copyright, which means that you will have to purchase all of your photographs, including any reprints, from him. This will be clearly specified in the terms of the contract that you will be asked to sign when you engage the photographer, but may well be buried somewhere is the small print. As with any contract, you should read through it thoroughly before you sign as you may find that there are a few surprises, such as what happens in the event of bad weather. In cases where a photographer does not retain copyright he will often charge more for his services and it will be a question of deciding in your own particular circumstances whether or not this will benefit you and your guests in the longer term. Whether you choose traditional film photography or modern digital imaging the most important thing to bear in mind is that you should choose a reputable and experienced photographer who understands exactly what you want and with whom you feel relaxed and at ease. Whats really important to you is that you get a great set of photographs and a wedding album that you can treasure. For more information on digital wedding albums please visit Talking Weddings Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donald_Saunders http://EzineArticles.com/?The-Choice-Between-Traditional-And-Digital-Wedding-Albums&id=355442 buy phentermine with no prescription
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By Jesse Cannone Do you want to improve the quality of your life? Do you want to look and feel better than you have in years maybe better than you ever have before? Do you want to protect yourself from disease and injury? And do you want to live a longer, more vital life? Im confident that you answered YES! to each of those questions, just as the hundreds of individuals Ive counseled, coached, and trained in my career as a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and Rehabilitation Specialist. Im now going to reveal to you the 16 essential strategies that have enabled my clients to achieve the health and fitness goals they always wanted! 16 Essential Weight Loss and Fitness Strategies 1. In the beginning, your fitness program should not be overly aggressive. One of the biggest problems people encounter when starting a fitness program is rapidly depleted motivation after only a few weeks due to an overly ambitious fitness program. Attempting to do too much too fast is worse than doing nothing at all! Because then you feel like exercise is too hard and its just not for you. Start out slow, maybe just shooting for 1 or 2 workouts a week. Once you have successfully added that to your normal routine, then attempt to slowly add to your fitness program. Plus, most people dont need to exercise more than 3-4 times a week. That doesnt mean you cant exercise more; its just not necessary. 2. Always have a detailed plan! In order to reach your health and fitness goals, you must have a road map to follow. I cant stress this enough. If you are unsure of how to put together a fitness plan, or if youre uncertain of the effectiveness of the one you have, I highly recommend you consult a professional fitness trainer. With a well thought out plan you are much more likely to be successful! 3. Set realistic, attainable goals. You must have tangible, quantifiable, short and long-term goals so you can measure and assess your progress. Too many people have totally unrealistic expectations of what to expect from an exercise and nutrition program. The best way for you to understand what is realistic and attainable is to talk with a fitness professional not to buy into the hype of infomercials and diet and fitness products that are blatantly misleading. 4. Keep a journal! This is one of the most important things you can do. If youre not tracking what youre doing, how will you know what worked? There are quite a few great exercise and nutrition logs Ive come across. You should keep track of all your exercise and also each days food intake. Theres a company called NutraBiotics that makes a great 90-day journal that can be used to track strength training, cardiovascular exercise, and daily nutrition. If you would like more information on this journal, please feel free to call me at 240-731-3724. 5. You must be accountable! Set exercise appointments with yourself if youre not working with a personal fitness trainer. Use your appointment book to set aside times for exercise, just like you do for meetings or events. Dont let things get in the way. Nothing is more important than your health! If you dont have your health you cant effectively do anything. I often have mothers tell me that they cant find time to exercise because they have to take care of their children. I have 4 daughters myself, and a baby on the way, so I know exactly how hard it is. Whatever your situation is, making the commitment to exercise and your health IS possible, and very important. Plus, it sets a great example for the children! 6. Remember the benefits of exercise. Being physically fit affects every aspect of your life: you sleep better, eat better, love better, overcome stress better, work better, communicate better, and live better! Remember how good it feels to finish a workout, and how great it feels to meet your goals! 7. Exercise safely and correctly. So much time is wasted doing, at best, unproductive exercise, or at worst, dangerous exercise. Educate yourself on how to exercise correctly. The best way to do that is to hire a personal fitness trainer. It could be for just a few sessions to learn the basics, or it could be for a few months to learn everything. Its completely up to you. But statistics prove that those who understand how to exercise correctly get better, faster results. And thats what you want, right? 8. Enjoy your exercise! For example, if you hate doing strength training, try to find ways to make it more enjoyable. Circuit training might be a more fun and exciting way to fit this important part of fitness into your program. The key is you should enjoy it, and if you dont you need to look for other exercises or activities to replace whatever it is you dont enjoy. If you dont enjoy it, how do you expect to stick with it? 9. Make time to stretch! It has so much benefit and takes very little time. So many people suffer from various aches and pains of which most can be eliminated by basic stretches! Try to spend at least 5 minutes after each workout stretching. For more information on stretching and how it eliminates aches and pains, please call 240-731-3724 to request a FREE copy of my special report No More Back Pain. 10. Dont think you need to exercise 5 days a week! I touched on this earlier. Many people feel theyre getting fat because theyre not exercising. Totally not the case! Exercise is not the answer! Its all in your eating habits. However, exercise can aid in burning body fat, plus there are numerous health benefits. Think of exercise as a bonus. How many people do you know who exercise 3-5 times per week, but still fail to meet their weight loss and fitness goals? Ive met hundreds! First look at your eating habits, such as: when you eat, what you eat, how much you eat, where you eat, and how often you eat. 11. Never skip breakfast, or any meal! If you want to maximize your fitness or fat-loss efforts youve got to eat breakfast! So many people skip breakfast, and its the worst thing you could ever do when it comes to fat-loss. Skipping meals throws your blood sugar all out of whack and it sets you up to store your next meal as fat, almost guaranteed! 12. Eat fat to lose fat. Healthy fats are necessary to your body for numerous reasons: regulating hormonal production, improving immune function, lowering total cholesterol, and providing the basics for healthy hair, nails, and skin. The key is to eat the right types of fats. The good fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats like olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, and avocados, to name a few. The bad fats are partially hydrogenated oils, and trans fats. Most processed foods contain large amounts of these bad fats. For more information on the different types of fats, please call 240-731-3724 to request a FREE copy of my Healthy Eating Guidelines. 13. Drink plenty of fresh, clean water. Yes, I know that you have probably heard this one over and over again. But theres a reason for that its that important! The recommended daily intake of water is 8 glasses, or 64 oz. You should even be drinking even more if you are active or exercise regularly. And no, soda, juice, coffee, and tea DONT count! Nearly every chemical process place in your body, takes place in water! Proper blood flow and digestion are both affected by how much water you drink, and poor blood flow and digestion can be linked to numerous health conditions. 14. Stabilize your blood sugar! If you want to burn fat and prevent your body from putting it back on, you must stabilize your blood sugar. In order to do this you need to eat small, balanced meals or snacks every 2-3 hours. Fasting, skipping meals, and overly restrictive diets will enable you to lose weight in the short run. The weight you lose is primarily water weight and muscle tissue, and in the long run has opposite effect of what you want. When you restrict your diet, your body instinctively thinks its being starved and shifts into a protective mode by slowing down the metabolism and storing nearly all calories as body fat. Plus, losing muscle tissue is the last thing you want to do. Muscle burns calories, even while you sleep. You should be focused on increasing, or at least maintaining muscle tissue. 15. Focus on increasing muscle tissue. As I mentioned previously, muscle burns calories, so if you want to increase your metabolism, you have to increase your muscle. The best way to do that is with progressive strength training. That doesnt mean you have to join a gym, buy expensive fitness equipment, or follow some bodybuilding workout program; it simply means you need to challenge your muscles! You can do that at home in just 15-20 minutes, 2-3 times a week. 16. Get the help of an expert! Obviously, meeting your health and fitness goals is important to you, so why not eliminate the guesswork and start seeing the results you have always wanted? With the help of a qualified professional you can! If your car breaks down, where do you take it? Mechanic, right? How about if you have a cavity? Dentist. So why is it that so many people attempt to solve their health and fitness problems without consulting an expert? I dont know exactly, but I encourage you to make the investment in yourself- in your life- by hiring a professional to educate you and help you meet your goals. So there you have it. The 16 essential strategies for an effective weight loss and fitness program that will have you looking and feeling great! About The Author Jesse Cannone is a certified personal trainer and author of the best-selling fitness ebook, Burn Fat FAST. Be sure to sign up for his free email course as it is full of powerful weight loss and fitness tips that are guaranteed to help you get the results you want. http://www.guaranteed-weightloss.com info@guaranteed-weightloss.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jesse_Cannone http://EzineArticles.com/?16-Tips-to-Looking-+-Feeling-Great&id=19176 ambien zolpidem 10mg
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Tuesday 1 April 2008

A Custom Photo Purse Can Be A Great and Unique Gift Idea

By Jo Creel It's your friend's birthday, or its Christmas, you want to give a special gift to your friend that she can really appreciate. And, you are running out of gift ideas. You want to give your friend something unique and something that she can cherish for a long time. You don't want to give the same gifts over and over again. Thinking of a gift idea can really be difficult, especially if you already gave your friend what she wanted last year. Of course, you want to give her something that is truly out of this world and one that can really make her remember you more. Why not give her a purse? Not just any kind of purse, but a purse with her name or face on it. Literally. Today, there are purse and bags manufacturer available that have the ability to take any kind of picture and make it as part of the purse. Digital printing made this possible. It is definitely one of the best gift ideas you can ever give to your friend that can both be memorable and also show your sense of creativity. A customized photo purse is simply a purse where the picture is printed on the fabric of the purse. The photo you want printed on the purse can be anything. It can be her face, her favorite pet, or it can also be a picture of her making a face if you want to make it a bit funnier. Also, if you give your friend a picture purse, you can be sure that she will be the only one to have that kind of purse. Since you will be the one to choose which picture you want printed, no other purse will be the same, unless you ordered two picture purses with the same picture and the same design. This gift idea is truly unique and is something that she will cherish for a long time. Besides, it will be something that she will use everyday and at the same time, it will also remind her of you and the great times you spent together. There are websites available that offer custom printing on picture purse, all you have to do is choose which purse you want to give, what background, and send the picture you want to be printed on the purse. You can also make a note to the manufacturer on what to do with the picture. You can tell them to convert the picture on a mosaic design or you can even tell them to convert it into black and white to complement with the purse's background color. You have the choice on what design you want. Ordering a picture purse is relatively very easy, for every size of the purse, there are requirements for a picture. The larger the picture, the larger the picture should be in digital format. Also, a picture purse is a perfect gift for any occasion. It can be on her birthday, it can be a Christmas gift or it can even be a simple casual gift that you want to give even if there is no occasion to celebrate. So, if you ran out of gift ideas, you can always consider this option. Not only will you give her a special gift, you will also be giving a unique gift where there are no others like it. Jo Creel is part of SnapTotes Picture Perfect photo handbag, photo purse and picture purses. SnapTotes allows you to customize and design your own bag by choosing your favorite image, handbag style and interior colors. For more information, visit www.snaptotes.com. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jo_Creel http://EzineArticles.com/?A-Custom-Photo-Purse-Can-Be-A-Great-and-Unique-Gift-Idea&id=325159 memory loss ambien
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