Monday 31 December 2007

Are Your Part-Time Staff Entitled To Time Off In Lieu Of Bank Holidays?

By Petra Venton This month we look at a difficult area for employers what bank holidays are your part-time employees entitled to? With two bank holidays in May, the Employment Appeal Tribunals recent decision in McMenemy v Capita Business Services Limited will be of interest to employers of part-time staff. Four of the eight bank holidays always fall on a Monday (Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and August Bank Holiday). One is always on a Friday (Good Friday) and the other three vary from year to year. There has been debate for some time about whether part time employees are eligible for pro-rata time off in lieu of bank holidays where they do not work on a Monday. The basis for this argument is the Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favorable) Treatment Regulations 2000 that make it unlawful to treat a worker less favorably on grounds of his or her part-time status. In this case, Mr. McMenemy worked three days a week (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). He claimed that he was being treated less favourably than full-time employees, as he did not get the benefit of bank holidays that fell on a Monday. Under his contract of employment, he was entitled to take paid leave on public holidays where they fell on one of his normal working days. His employers business operated 7 days a week. This meant that some full-time employees also did not work on Mondays. In fact, Mr. McMenemys line manager had worked a Tuesday to Saturday shift for some time. During this period, he did not get time off in lieu of bank holidays that fell on a Monday. The Employment Appeal Tribunal held that the reason that Mr. McMenemy did not get time off in lieu of bank holidays that fell on a Monday was not because he was part-time as full-time employees were treated in the same way. Rather, it was because he did not work on a Monday. Mr. McMenemy therefore lost his claim. This case is likely to be helpful to many employers in the retail, leisure and manufacturing sectors that operate on a 7-day week basis. However, where does it leave employers who operate 5 days a week from Monday to Friday? What are the options for employers who operate 5 days a week? Where an employer operates on a 5-day week basis (Monday to Friday), all full time employees will receive the benefit of bank holidays that fall on a Monday (assuming that their contracts of employment provide for this). A part-time employee who does not work on Mondays will benefit from a maximum of only four bank holidays a year (depending on what day Christmas falls). The Part-Time Workers (Prevention of Less Favorable Treatment) Regulations 2000 provide that part-time workers should have the same benefits as full-time workers on a pro rata basis. A full-time employee will get 8 days off for bank holidays. Therefore, a part-time employee who works say 3 days a week should get 5 days off in respect of bank holidays. As a maximum of only four bank holidays fall on the part-time employees working days, how should the employer make up the additional day(s)? The DTI Guidance on part-time working suggests that it may be necessary to remove the disadvantage suffered by those staff who do not receive particular days off as a result of their particular working pattern, for example, by giving all workers a pro rata entitlement to days off in lieu according to the number of hours they work. In our example above, this would mean giving the employee at least one additional day off in lieu of bank holidays. The difficulty with such a system is that it is complicated to administer and can have an adverse effect on part-time employees who do work on Mondays. If the part-time employee worked on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at least five bank holidays would fall on working days (all the Monday bank holidays and Good Friday). If Christmas Day and New Years Day also fell on a Monday, seven bank holidays would fall on working days. Under the pro-rata system suggested by the DTI, the employee would only be entitled to five days of bank holidays. What should the employer do about the other two bank holidays for which they would have been paid? There are two options. Either the employee would be required to use some contractual holiday entitlement to cover those days or alternatively be given the option of coming to work on a day they did not normally work. Neither of these options would be favored by employers or part-time employees, as they are difficult to administer and would not fit in with part time working arrangements. Many employers therefore simply give their part-time staff the benefit of bank holidays if they fall on one of their normal working days. This system clearly does not always give part-time staff the same benefits as full-time staff on a pro-rata basis. As such, it is unlawful discrimination, unless an employer can justify it. There is an argument that an employer could justify this system of restricting the benefit of time off for bank holidays to staff who actually work on those days on the basis that the time off relates to the days worked rather than the part-time status. However, this argument is untested. This issue may be resolved in the not too distant future as the Government proposed in its 2005 election manifesto that during their third term they would extend the entitlement to paid annual leave to include bank holidays. The Government has included an enabling power in the Work and Families Bill. This is subject to further consultation and is not expected to come into force until 2007 at the earliest. What is worth noting however is that the DTI make clear in their Guidance that if bank holidays are treated as additional leave on top of the statutory four weeks, the amount of time allocated to part-time staff will be calculated on a pro-rata basis. There is no easy solution to this issue. Employers need to consider their working arrangements carefully. If you would like further advice on this, please contact one of the employment team. The employment law solicitors at Cripps Harries Hall LLP have extensive experience in all areas of employment law and provide pragmatic and commercial advice. The employment law team of 6 solicitors has knowledge of a wide range of industry sectors and structures advice to our clients needs within their particular business. Article Source: www phentermine diet pills
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Sunday 30 December 2007

Hernia - Causing Strain on Bowel or Kidneys

By [] Nilutpal Gogoi Hernia occurs when the abdominal wall structure ruptures or an opening takes place there. As a consequence thereof, the wall of the abdomen is destroyed and there is an outcropping via that membrane which is rather thin. The outcropped parts are mainly sections of the fatty tissue that make up the abdomen or certain parts of the intestine (small and large). Mention may be made of Hiatal hernia which happens when the tummy comes out through the diaphragm and rises till the chest. However, hernia can happen anywhere in the human body. Hernias can lead to pain in the chest besides heartburn. Moreover, hernias can stop blood flow to that affected part, and during such abnormal situations surgeries are the only ways out. Hernia can be of the following types: Indirect, Direct, Inguinal, Obturator, Spigelian, Umbilical, Incisional and Femoral. Hernia can be caused by many factors. The main ones are obesity, coughing, weight lifting exercises, lung ailments, exertion of pressure on the abdomen during pregnancy and the presence of hernia in the umbilical cord which may then pass on to the baby. Hernia can occur if anyone keeps on putting too much of strain on the bowel or the kidneys during bowel movement or urination during Straining during a bowel movement or urination. Moreover, hernia may take place if there is too much of fluid in the cavity that makes up the abdomen. Different types of hernia have different sets of symptoms. The commonly reported symptoms of hernia are belching, heartburn especially when one lies down or while bending -- chest pain, groin pain during bending, groin soreness, appearance of lump which may be painless, esophagus blockage, swallowing problems, and/or protrusion(s) that may be just tender or swollen for that matter. If hernia is diagnosed, strictly follow your physicians schedule. Some of the commonly prescribed methods to check hernia is to say NO to depression, cut down on the regularly taken diet, avoid non-digestible food items, quit smoking or/and alcoholic substances, never to lie down or even bend after meals, and avoid tight-fitting clothes. Moreover, ensure that you do not exert pressure on the abdomen while coughing and stop lifting heavy articles. The best way to control hernia is to consume fibery items like grains (including millet and barley), vegetables (sweet potatoes, cabbage, artichoke, and dandelion), herbs (aloe vera, arrowroot, parsley, mint, asafetida, cumin, fennel, among others) and lots of fruits. To prevent constipation and thus obviate the possibility of putting undue pressure on the intra-abdominal area is to increase the amount of liquids especially water. Take to regular exercise. Sweating can also help excrete toxic items from the body. Go for six meals in lesser amounts instead of three large meals. But, remember to not consume such items you may be allergic to. Moreover laugh away your blues by enrolling yourself in the local laughter club. One of the popular remedies for hernia is to consume Cayenne pepper, sweating out a lot by either exercising, brisk walking, or by drinking tea (warm) in a room that is hot. One can also get relief from hernia by placing a rupturewort tea-soaked cloth on the portion that is affected. Nilutpal Gogoi is a writer and a freelance journalist having more than 18 years of service in several audio-visual and print media reputed organizations in North East India. He has published one popular adventure book for children and has published more than 1000 articles for various sites, as such
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Saturday 29 December 2007

Weight Loss the Easy Way!

By David Chandler With weight loss comes a lot of dedication and change of lifestyle. We can start with exercise, which is vital to all weight loss programs. A healthy body is the result of proper nutrition combined with a regular pattern of physical exercise. You weight loss will depend on how you intend to make it happen. It does not have to be difficult and you do not have to take weight loss supplements or pills. Exercise Exercise improves the tone and quality of muscle tissue and stimulates the processes of digestions, absorption, metabolism, and elimination. It strengthens blood vessels, lungs, and heart, resulting in improved transfer of oxygen to the cells and increased circulation. The key to any type of exercise is a strong will and a sincere desire to improve one's physical condition by weight loss. The best way to lose weight is doing activities or exercises that you enjoy and can have fun with. An ideal weight loss program may include many different forms of the following exercises. Calisthenics consist of light exercises including sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, which promote emphasis of building skeletal muscles. Dancing or rhythmic exercise is often an enjoyable way to exercise and lose weight, by toning the body. Isometrics involves the pressure of a muscle or group of muscles against each other or an immoveable object. It is good for spot reducing because it can be applied to a target area. Stretching is a natural exercise that should be practiced on a regular basis, and is a good habit to develop. It can improve energy and endurance, stimulate circulation, and alleviate stiffness. Walking is one of the best overall weight loss exercises, which help the entire system function better. Weight Lifting and exercise strengthen muscle tone, which is recommended with any weight loss management plan. Above all, do not forget the recreational exercises as well; this will help to keep you on task with your weight loss goals. Nutrition The next step in that can help you is to add proper nutrition to your weight loss management plan. You need to understand what your body needs and how to consume the proper amounts of Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins, which are the primary sources of energy to the body. They supply the fuel necessary for body heat and work. This is essential to fast weight loss. Therefore, foods that are high in energy value are high in calories, while foods that are low in energy value are low calories. Fats yield about 9 calories per gram; carbohydrates and protein yield about 4 calories per gram. By following the current food pyramid guide, you can reduce calories and with combined exercise (minimal), you take lose weight fast and easy. Remember to keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoid soda, fattening foods such as chips, and cookies, etc. Tips 1- Eat six mini meals a day- this will allow your body to eat more frequently curbing your appetite for snacking. 2- Drink at lease 64 oz of water a day, but the amount you drink should be based on your weight and size. 3- Choose healthy foods from each food group. 4- Include some weight lifting in your weight loss management plan, this will allow you to remain proper muscle tone while losing weight. For more information, go to: Article Source:!&id=57493 phentermine mexico pharmacy
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Friday 28 December 2007

The Secret to Pruning Apple Trees

By Robert Mosse The overall theory of pruning apple trees is to first train the young apple tree to grow efficiently, and then to promote the best production of good quality fruit as the tree matures. By training a young apple tree to grow "correctly" you enable the tree to develop a strong structure that will be able to support heavy apple growth, plus you will have a tree shape that is easy to manage in later years. A well-applied regimen of training and pruning apple trees stimulates strong growth of only those branches you wish to keep as lasting parts of the mature tree. Once the young apple tree has been trained for several years to form its shape, annual pruning then becomes the means of keeping the desired shape and encouraging the best fruit production. Most
pruning is done to encourage growth, and this type of pruning is done in late winter while trees are dormant. The wounds inflicted by pruning heal best then, plus flower buds are easy to spot. You can also prune your trees in late summer, but only if you wish to discourage growth. So what is the secret to pruning apple trees? Simply put, the best apples will grow on branches that are from two to five years old. To keep a good supply of branches at this age, prune the older branches out each year, allowing younger branches to replace them. Here's how: Apple Tree Pruning Basics Most apple trees grown by home gardeners are small-to-medium sized, and are best trained to the central-leader or pyramid system of pruning. The central-leader pruning method suits trees that have a
dominant central trunk with lateral branches at regular intervals. In essence, it is a cone or pyramid shaped tree. With the central leader pruning method, more sunlight is allowed to reach inside the tree. Basically, you prune the upper branches to stay shorter than the lower branches. Wide spacing between the upper and lower branches is key here, and a good rule of thumb is to keep the branches about three feet apart on a mature tree. It is essential to make clean cuts, so always use good-quality, sharp pruning shears, and for bigger cuts use sharp lopping shears and saws. Shears with two sharp sides (like scissors) are better than the types with one sharp and one blunt side. The first thing to do is cut away all dead, broken, or diseased branches. Also cut out any wood that crosses over or crowds other branches. Next, identify the central leader and prune other limbs that compete with it. Look the tree over and decide which branches you want to keep. Your goal is to keep more horizontal branches and less vertical branches. Remove limbs that cause too much shading. Remember with a mature tree to choose two or three of the oldest, larger branches on the tree for pruning. Take into account their position and whether a younger replacement branch is nearby. Often you'll see this choice is easy to make. Remove suckers from around the tree base, and spindly shoots and water sprouts from along the limbs. Make your pruning cuts nearly, but not completely, flush with the branch, leaving no stubs (these can become hosts to rot and disease.) If you do make a pruning cut that is completely flush with the limb or the trunk, the wound will not heal as quickly. If your task is pruning apple trees that have been neglected, do not prune severely, all at one time. Excessive pruning can be too much of a shock to the tree's system, so spread the work over two or three years. What's the best teacher for pruning? Experience! Learn about pruning apple trees by following good, basic fruit tree pruning instructions, and you're bound to become a seasoned pro. A few wrong cuts will be many times better than no pruning at all. Robert Mosse is a gardening and lawn care specialist and author of the "Easy" Lawn and Gardening Book Series. Learn more about pruning fruit trees ... plus get the Guide for 101 Gardening Tips, completely Free at Article Source: phentermine no prescription required
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Thursday 27 December 2007

Back to Business

By Ginger Marks It is that time of year again. The kids are getting back to school and it is time to pump it up a notch with our businesses. What is your idea of getting off the starting block? I was thinking about that the other day and thought that this might be a good place to begin my search. Some of the things that come to mind are:
1. Advertising
2. Promotion
3. Sales
4. Events
5. Networking
6. Charity All of these means it seems are just simply the tip of a mountain of ideas. Let's take the first one for example, advertising. You have online and offline. Then you have to consider what form of online or offline advertising suits you and your clients best. The worst thing you can do is throw good money in the wrong direction. You need to decide first who your target market is and what motivates them to buy. That is a topic for another conversation though. Promotion sort of flows out of the advertising river into a whole new income stream of its own. If you want to promote your business you must first decide whether you want to do it in print or live interaction. Promotion can be done with article writing or simple advertising or sales flyers. You should consider joining a group like the one I ran into recently that stuffs their product packages with your promotional pieces. What a neat concept that is. You produce the promotional piece and they put it in the box with the item they are mailing out to their customers. It can be a business card, brochure or even a promotional or sale flyer. Print up 500 pieces and send it to the member that is requesting them and they insert it into their mailings. I would be happy to share this resource with you if you are interested. How about those of us who enjoy the live interaction of an audience? There are multitudes of opportunities to promote your product or service doing seminars and chats. Just days ago I finished writing a book titled, "Promotional Skills for the Next Generation". I have it for sale in PDF version presently while I am awaiting my ISBN# to be able to sell it through vendors both in digital and print mediums. If you would like a copy just email me and I will be happy to send you your pre-release first edition copy. What about Press Releases? They can be tied into your business promotion in a very powerful way. Consider hiring a professional who can not only pen the perfect press release but get it into the right hands. Don't attempt to do this on your own if you want real results. My PR Queen is Kim Emerson. If you want her assistance you can email me and I will be happy to put you in touch with her. One thing we fall back on often is the use of sales. These can generate interest and sometimes are the catalyst to revenues from those potential customers who are sitting on the proverbial fence. I have recently begun offering coupon book promotion to my clients as this is a WIN, WIN, WIN! for everyone involved. Companies that would otherwise not let the associate promote their business can use these simple, non-threatening advertising options to their advantage. One thing that I have learned from this experience is that when offering a coupon you would do better to offer a dollar amount off rather than a percentage. Why? Well it seems that people don't perceive the value of percentage as quickly as they do an actual dollar amount. As for events my recommendation is GET INVOLVED! If you can find the time get involved in putting them together. Attending is one thing and will garner you some networking time but when you are involved with the planning and promotion not only do you gain valuable experience but personal one-on-one with the movers and the shakers interaction as well. This leads us into the networking environment. As you already know networking is a huge factor in the success or failure of your business. Just do it! Online or off. In person or in the chat room. It really doesn't matter. This is a powerful tool. Use it wisely. Make friends and let the conversation flow naturally into business informational exchange. Don't begin with an ad! This is the quickest way to turn the other members off. Have you considered aligning with a charity? This is something that can be beneficial to others while being a promotional tool for you at the same time. Take this opportunity to use the press release to promote your business. During the holidays is a perfect time to make these associations. Whatever your comfort level is, the key is to get off the bench and begin taking the actions to allow your business to grow and flourish. Set a goal, reach for the stars! If you end up in the clouds you have gained at the very least experience. Copyright 2006 Ginger Marks Ginger Marks is the founder of DocUmeant, Your writing & design assistant. For more information, visit her website at Currently she authors a column on business development and personal growth at ( Mrs. Marks has also written several articles and eBooks that are available through her business site In addition she offers a FREE monthly e-Newsletter titled Words of Wisdom. To receive your copy sign-up at Article Source: purchase phentermine with mastercard
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Tuesday 25 December 2007

One Bar Mitzvah, Hold the Camels

By G Greenberg We've all attended, or chuckled at the mention of, bar and bat mitzvahs that the hosts considered ultimate achievements in event design. Hollywood dramas where the bat mitzvah was dressed as Cleopatra and carried to the banquet on a litter borne by slaves; 80s era mega-productions where the bar mitzvah, dressed as Luke Skywalker, fights a choreographed battle with Darth Vader complete with special lighting and sound effects; or the relatively low-key affairs where the theme is simply "football"but the entertainment is the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. In the quest to create a memorable event, bat mitzvah parents have hosted medieval jousts, roller derbys, and space launches. They've recreated Vesuvius erupting over Pompeii, Studio 54, and the hanging gardens of Babylon. They've hired troupes of Polynesian fire dancers, Chinese acrobats, robot dogs, Tony Bennett, and the entire touring company of "Grease". It would be easy to be cruel about all this - the misspent fortunes and misdirected energy. But at the heart of all the excess is a very natural, human, parental desire to make the appropriate fuss, to express what words alone cannot seem to convey. To sayvia camels, flaming headdresses, and lightsabers... This child is ours! And, isn't he simply incredible?! And rightly so. There are few enough occasions when you can get up and unabashedly declare how proud you are of your kids. Once you're in the teen years, few enough occasions, frankly, when you will even feel like it. This is their moment to shineand yours to gaze in wonder. How do you make the most of it and capture all the magic and majesty of this once-in-a-lifetime experience? In the past, there were two schools of thought: Keep it simple, meaningful and sincereand risk having an event that feels drab, skimpy, and underwhelming. Or - bring on the camels! - adopt an outrageous theme and go to town with the decorating and entertainment. That approach fails in its own way by producing events that are dazzling while you're there, but that digest emotionally like fine pastry. Delicious on the lips, but almost totally lacking in substance, spiritual nourishment and stick-to-your-ribs memorability. People who consider themselves "religious" have shunned glamour because they think big bashes with themes trivialize and overshadow the bar mitzvah experience. The glamorous folk have shied away from being too religious because they fear it will suck the life out of an otherwise fabulous party! How happy they will all be to discover there's a new integrated way to go: MitzvahChic, the notion that the "mitzvah"- the good works and the meaning - can be fused with high style. More than just fused. MitzvahChic holds that the meaning and the joy, artfully expressed, are what make the celebration magical. MitzvahChic is a blueprint for how a family can have an amazing bar mitzvah experience and use their emotion to electrify their party. Anyone can hire a decorator to create some mind-altering backdrop; what makes a bar mitzvah truly wonderful is the way it expresses who you are as a family and how this very special event - already experienced by millions before you - is still somehow uniquely your own. Have an experience that is soul-satisfying and that "works" on every level by being fun, poignant, cool, moving, exciting and completely unforgettable. Enter the MitzvahChic zone and have an absolutely perfect bar or bat mitzvah.
MitzvahChic is the #1 bar/bat mitzvah planning book and website! Visit www.MitzvahChic.comand be sure to sign up for FREE planning reminder emails. Gail A. Greenburg is a life long writer, editor, and crafts artist. She is the creator of and the author of the book MitzvahChic. Article Source:,-Hold-the-Camels&id=288161 buy online ultram
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Monday 24 December 2007

Five Mistakes That Can Derail Your Job Search

By Ruth Anderson No matter how much time and energy you invest in job seeking, critical mistakes can derail your efforts. Consider the following job search scenario. Each of the mistakes described below can put your job search off track, but all are easy to avoid. Mistake #1: Starting with a Handicap Your job search is underway. Time to get out your resume, dust it off, and add your most recent experience Right? Wrong. A strong job search starts with strategizing, and a strong resume should be the vehicle to put your strategy into action. It isn't enough to dust off an old resume you need a revised resume that is tailored to a specific position and a specific employer. Ask yourself What are the top needs and preferences of this employer? How can you address the employers needs with specific information about your experience, strengths, and accomplishments? And how can you structure your resume to convey this key information in a quick, 30-second scan? To avoid mistake #1, assume that your resume is much more than a personal history that simply needs a little updating. Start with a strategy, and rewrite your resume so that it speaks directly to the interests and concerns of the employer who will read it. Mistake #2: Sending Less-Than-Your-Best Your resume is done, and youve written a cover letter to accompany it. Now youre ready to drop both in the mail in response to a job ad that especially interests you Right? Wrong. Have you first made very sure that youre not sending out less than your best? Many job seekers fail to realize that both the resume and the cover letter are seen as examples of the quality of their work. This means that all aspects of overall quality are important including spelling, grammar, visual layout, organization, and clarity of writing. Errors will stand out like a flashing red light, and anything that makes the resume and cover letter difficult to follow may cause them to be tossed aside. To avoid mistake #2, follow this rule of thumb: Have at least two other people read both your resume and cover letter before you send them out. Tell them your job-search strategy so that they know what you want to communicate to the employer. Mistake #3: Cyber-Regrets The employer has called for an interview! In addition, hes asked that you e-mail a copy of your resume to another person in the company. That's easy a quick note with a Word attachment Right? Wrong. A casual approach to the computer world can lead to embarrassing mistakes. Regrettably, e-mails usually can't be called back after clicking on the "send" button. As before, avoid mistake #3 by treating any letter as both an opportunity to convey your qualifications and a sample of your writing. Avoid common e-mail shorthand and short, terse paragraphs the former can come across as "unprofessional" and the latter as impersonal. Finally, to be on the safe side, print out your e-mail and attachment to make sure that all looks well in hard copy. Then send the e-mail to at least one other person, and ask them to review both its content and appearance. Mistake #4: The Missed Opportunity Youve prepared for your interview and thought over all the answers you may have to supply. There's not much more you can do Right? Wrong. Chances are that at some point in the interview the employer will turn the tables and say: "Do you have any questions?" If you respond by saying "no" or by turning to practical details ("What is your benefits package?"), this will be a missed opportunity. To avoid mistake #4, think of several questions beforehand questions that speak directly to the responsibilities and challenges of the job itself. Employers want to know how you think and what you would be like to work with; your questions are an opportunity to show that you can take on the challenges of the job in a constructive way. Mistake #5: Letting the Ball Drop You had a strong interview, and you're waiting to hear whether you got the job. At least now you can take a breather while you wait Right? Wrong. Until you have a job offer, assume that it's up to you to keep the ball in the air. First and foremost, send a thank-you letter to each person who interviewed you, making reference to one or more things that were discussed. Second, follow up at regular Intervals to indicate your continued interest and keep your prospects alive. Its tempting to hang back so that you wont be a bother but the job seeker who lets the ball drop may lose out to the one who is politely and persistently enthusiastic. 2005 Ruth Anderson Ruth Anderson is the owner of Vantage Point Coaching & Consulting and author of WRITE RESUMES WITH CONFIDENCE: How to Create Outstanding Resumes and Have the Confidence to Use Them with Success. Learn more about her products and services, including the unique INTRODUCTION TO COACHING and JOB SEARCH TUNE-UP programs, at or write Article Source: buy tramadol twinpharm
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Saturday 22 December 2007

How to Win the War against Fat and Obesity

By Christopher Wen When you are thinking of fighting fat with exercise and bringing the obese body down, you might probably think of hours of hard, sweaty and bring exercise. Well if this is what you are thinking, then, you will not get any farther with your weight loss. That is because people who are so into losing more fats by exerting more effort tend to get bored and exhausted easily. Experts contend that when people put in more effort than what they are capable of doing, they will create a tendency to develop weariness. Hence, they give up, stop doing their routine exercises. In the end they just end up sulking in the corner with a bag of chips that will put all the fat they just lost back into their body. What should be done instead? The answer is cross training. Cross training refers to the integration of diverse movements or activities into a person's normal way of exercising. The main purpose of combining cross training into exercising is to avoid overdoing excess muscle damages and to put a stop to a boring workout. Cross training can offers a variety of benefits for fitness and fat loss. It builds up the strength and endurance of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. It has also some tranquilizing effect on the nerves, and best of all it burns up calories and makes your weight losing more bearable. There are 3 basic components of cross training. First, endurance exercises to help to condition the heart, lungs, and blood vessels for best condition and to induce relaxation. These begin with a well planned walking and jogging program, depending on fitness level. Secondly, regular exercises to strengthen the muscles, particularly those important for good posture. These include activities that are selected to encourage some people who are already burnt out with a particular routine. And lastly, exercises to improve joint mobility and prevent or relieve aches and pains. These consist of a series of stretching positions that are safe and effective for most of the people who wish to try to lose some fat. By incorporating cross training into your weight loss program based on these 3 steps, you are definitely on your way to winning the war against fats. Not to mention, it makes weight losing fun too. So kick start your cross training exercises now to lose those fats now! Want to loss some weight? Need weight loss and fitness tips? Click for more top and latest info on Fitness For Weight now or go to Christopher Wen is the webmaster for where he provides you latest articles, news, and remedies to current health issues. Check out his site now to sign up for his newsletter and get a free specially prepared 5 part health course. So sign up for it now! Article Source: nephro past hours active good order topics tramadol elenta
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Find a Criminal Lawyer

By Kristy Annely Criminal lawyers generally work for people who are accused of felonies such as murder, assault, family violence, embezzlement, etc. The service of a criminal lawyer is essential to make sure that your legal rights are sheltered throughout the judicial process. Since criminal consequences may include fines, imprisonment, mandatory treatment, and probations, it is always advisable to hire a criminal lawyer with adequate expertness and experience in the field. Various resources are available to find a competent and experienced criminal lawyer. Referrals are always considered to be the most important source; the name of a competent criminal lawyer may come from any circle such as friends, colleagues, family, etc. The public defender's office in your county will also be able to suggest a competent criminal lawyer for you. Another way of finding an expert criminal lawyer is observing public sessions when criminal cases are being held in the court. If you find a particular lawyer competent enough to handle your case, you can certainly approach him/her. Professional legal organizations are also an excellent source of finding a criminal lawyer. Offices of organizations such as National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) in your region will be able to provide lists of competent lawyers in your area. Some organizations offer referral services even through Internet. Additionally, the service of local bar associations can be utilized to gather information on a perspective criminal lawyer such as how much experience a particular criminal lawyer has in this field. Other sources to find proficient lawyers are telephone directories, yellow pages, and newspapers. The Internet is undoubtedly the most valuable tool to search for a reputed criminal lawyer. Some of the online directories available are,,, and, etc. These directories provide easy access to legal information and other related sources. Criminal Lawyers provides detailed information on Criminal Lawyers, Criminal Defense Lawyers, Federal Criminal Lawyers, Los Angeles criminal lawyers and more. Criminal Lawyers is affiliated with Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorneys. Article Source: prescription drug ultram
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Friday 21 December 2007

Driver Team Solo Positions: The Nitty Gritty On Truck Driving Jobs

By Anna Henningsgaard Trucks and truck drivers are a constant presence on US highways and interstates. A person on even the shortest drive is likely to pass by a truck or two transporting goods, and even merchandise that travels by ship, train, or airplane travels on a truck for some phase of the journey to the customer. Because trucks are such a major part of industry, truck driving jobs are important positions and good paying jobs. Truck drivers have many responsibilities. Before leaving the terminal or warehouse, truck drivers make routine checks of their vehicles, checking fuel and oil levels. They inspect the tires, brakes, and windshield wipers, and make sure that all safety equipment is loaded and functional. They report any problems to the dispatcher, who keeps track of all of these small details. Once they start driving, truck drivers must be constantly alert. They can see quite a long distance along the highway because they sit higher than most other vehicles. This puts them in a position of power on the road, as well as heightened responsibility. Delivery requirements vary according to the type of merchandise, the driving assignment, and the final destination. Local drivers provide daily service along a specific route, while other drivers must make intercity and interstate deliveries based on specific orders. The drivers responsibilities and salary change based on the time spent on the road, the type of product transported, and vehicle size. New technologies are revolutionizing the way that truck drivers work. Long distance truck drivers now have satellites and global positioning systems (GPS) to link them with company headquarters. Information, directions, and weather reports can be delivered to the truck instantly no matter where it is. Company headquarters can track the trucks location, fuel consumption, and engine performance. Inventory tracking equipment is now computerized, allowing the producer, warehouse, and customer to all check in on the products on the road. New technology is making truck driving an easier job, as seats become more comfortable, trucks have better ventilation, and cabs are better designed. Some routes are very, very long, and these usually employ heavy truck or tractor-trailer drivers. On the longest routes, companies will hire two drivers for sleeper runs. Sleeper runs can last from days to weeks and the truck only stops for fuel, food, loading and unloading. The drivers switch off driving and sleeping in the truck. Truck driving can be a demanding job. Some self-employed long-distance truck drivers who own and operate their own trucks spend most of the year away from home. The government restricts long distance drivers to no more than 60 hours a week as well as requiring 10 hours rest for every 11 hours driving. Many drivers work very close to this max time permitted because they are compensated according to the number of miles or hours theyve put in. The difficulty of truck driving is well compensated, which makes it a popular job. In 2002, there were 3.2 million truck drivers. Many trucking operations have higher standards than the Federal minimum requirements. Drivers are often required to be at least 22 years old, able to lift heavy objects, and have 3-5 years driving experience. Companies want to hire good drivers who work efficiently and cost less to insure. They like drivers who have enrolled in driver-training courses. New drivers might begin on small straight trucks and graduate to larger trucks and finally to tractor-trailers. A few truck drivers advance high enough to become dispatchers, managers, or traffic workers. Heavy truck and tractor-trailer drivers earned an average of $16 per hour in 2002. The highest 10% of this group earned more than $24 an hour. Driving a truck is a great career with lots of room for promotion and advancement. After moving all the way up the chain of promotion within a company, truck drivers often strike out on their own and open successful transport businesses. Air Liquide is a major international company and is also a private carrier. This means it maintains its own truck fleet and hires truck drivers. Because Air Liquide is such successful company, driving jobs with Air Liquide are stable, well supported positions. Solo Air Liquide drivers can expect to be home 80-90% of the time and make between $50,000 and $70,000 a year depending on the type of run and work performance. Air Liquide provides benefits like medical and life insurance, performance benefits, ample vacation time, flexible spending accounts, and quarterly profit sharing. As Air Liquide grows and succeeds, so do each of its employees! If you are interested in a truck driving job, you should apply here to drive for Air Liquide. Find out more about Air Liquide! Article Source: buy tramadol online dream pharmaceutical
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Wednesday 19 December 2007

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By []Kirthy Shetty Finance market is facing a cut-throat competition. The need to raise more funds to meet mans inevitable needs has given way to more finance companies entry into the market. More and more loan lenders are chalking out attractive loan deals to attract borrowers. In this scenario, the borrower finds himself in a lurch as to which secured loan deal to opt for. If one is looking out for a secured loan do not just settle down on a secured loan that you offers low loan rates as it may not always be the best secured loan. Fast Secured Loan simplifies things by searching all of the high street lenders to get the BEST SECURED LOAN. Fast Secured Loan aims to help getting that low cost loan VERY EASY. You can win a best deal for fast secured loan through a good equity laid out. The secret behind finding the best deals is a sound equity which can be in any form. It does not matter even if the house or any collateral is mortgaged already. As you would still have some equity left with you if you have paid off at least part of your mortgage loan amount. In this case the equity on your house would be the unpaid amount of mortgage loan minus the actual market value of your house. One can use up this equity to obtain the secured loan. Finding a fast secured loan has been made much easier with free secured loan advisers available online. A secured loan adviser reviews a borrowers current financial situation, and other details online. He then analyses his financial condition and his personal requirements. Based on this an advisor suggests a type of loan with a particular rate plan and the duration to repay the loan that is favourable to the borrower. The borrower can further negotiate on the loan terms based on his convenience.With such an expert advice one is in a better position to decide on the type of loan apt for him and also the one that involves less risk. The advantage of secured loans is that the lender overlooks the poor credit scores or any kind of adverse situation of a borrower as he(lender) runs less risk of losing his money as he has a strong collateral to hold behind incase of default of payments by the borrower. A borrower also enjoys low rate of interest, longer time to repay which makes it easier for him to manage his financial situations. For any further information on fast secured loan visit Article Source: online tramadol without prescription
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Alabama Wedding Reception Sites - Alabama Reception Halls

By Yolanda Nash You live in Alabama and you would love to find a nice, suitable location for your reception. Well have no fear Alabama has many nice reception sites from formal to fun you can find it all in Alabama. So below I have listed some of the most popular wedding reception sites in the state of Alabama. The Harbart Center Birmingham, Alabama 35203
2019 4th Avenue North
1-205 226-8800
1-205 226 8803 The Harbart Center has elegant surroundings, impeccable service and fabulous food. The price per plate is from $15.00 to $20.00 and they can accommodate up to 500 people. Available for Ceremonies - Yes
Separate Room for Cocktail Hour - Yes
Off-Premise catering - No
Outdoor Reception Area - No
Valet Parking - Yes
Kosher Available - No Garden Weddings by Rocky Mount Prattville, Alabama 36066
2364 Rocky Mount Rd
1-334-285-0490 Garden Weddings by Rocky Mount will take you back in time to the old south. Hospitality, country vistas and beautiful garden rooms. The price per plate is $10 to $50.00 and they can accommodate up to 500 people. Available for Ceremonies - Yes
Separate Room for Cocktail Hour - No
Off-Premise catering - No
Outdoor Reception Area - Yes
Valet Parking - No
Kosher Available - No Rosewood Hall at SoHo Square Homewood, Alabama 35209
2850 19th Street, South
1-205-332-6119 Rosewood hall was built in late 2005. They offer a great contemporary wedding reception site. They charge $10 to $35.00 a plate and they accommodate up to 500 people. Available for Ceremonies - Yes
Separate Room for Cocktail Hour - Yes
Off-Premise catering - Yes
Outdoor Reception Area - Yes
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Kosher Available - No These are just a few of the many wedding reception sites that you can find in the state of Alabama. One of the most important things is to make sure you comparison shop and have a really great time on your wedding day. Yolanda is the owner of Yolandas Wedding Favors. She sells may different types of wedding reception favors, place card holders and many more. So whether you are looking for party favors or gifts we got you covered. Article Source: 120 count ultram buy online
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What Is Dark Matter?

By Marilyn Mastin There are many things we still do not understand about our universe. Scientists have recently reached the conclusion that a 'Big Bang' really did start it all, because they have detected the heat-noise from the radiation that the Big Bang created. But that does not explain how our Solar System is so unique. Why we have no proof, as yet, that there is life on any other planet. It does not explain how our universe is held together by a strange substance called, 'Dark Matter', without which, the universe would collapse. I believe that all of these questions can be answered by two words, Intelligent Design. In other words, a creator God. He is the reason that all of the particles from The Big Bang, ended up exactly where they were supposed to go. Our unique Solar System, with the sun at its centre, has two big gas planets called Saturn and Jupiter, which swallow up many meteorites before they get to us. The Sun itself is just the right distance from the planet where God created life. Any closer to us and we would burn up, any further away and we would freeze. The moon controls our tides, but if it was any closer to us, or any bigger than it is, the Earth would flood. As it probably would if we had two or more moons. But the greatest argument for Intelligent Design, is this mysterious 'Dark Matter'. No one can figure out what it actually is and where it came from, but without it, the universe would loose cohesion. In my opinion, there is only one explanation. Dark Matter was created by God, to hold everything together. I think we are living in a wonderful age, where scientists are realising that the universe could not have happened by accident. If life had begun on Earth by random chance, then the chances are that we would have discovered life on some other planet by now. But life has NOT been discovered, despite all our technology and the probes which have been sent from Earth to investigate space. Maybe its time we stopped looking to send people into space, and started concentrating on helping people on this Earth. This unique world, where God created life. I have a website. It is Article Source: ultram prescription on line
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Monday 17 December 2007

Are You Aware of These Negative Results of High Protein Diets?

By Foras Aje It will be preaching to the choir to say that we all need a certain amount of protein everyday to remain healthy. However, based on misinformation to this effect, several people view the daily consumption of a high-protein diet as beneficial, especially in regards to losing weight. However, when one analyzes the negative results of high protein diets, which we will touch on in a few moments, it really raises the question as to just how healthy are such diets. Friends, the negative results of high protein diets and high-protein plans are potentially dangerous. Most diets in this category all too often contain too much saturated fat and not enough fibre, and lack of carbohydrate can put the body into ketosis which is an abnormal metabolic state with unpleasant side effects such as bad breath and nausea. Dr. Arne Astrup, who is a Danish obesity expert, concludes that headaches, muscle weakness and either diarrhea or constipation are reported more often by Atkins dieters than people on conventional diets. For most people who do go on such high protein diets, the most frequent complaints they have are incidents of constipation and headache, which are readily explained by the lack of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, Astrup said. Judging from these, it may be time to revise the misinforming ideas on protein in our diets in order to avoid the negative results of high protein diets. So is there an alternative that does work? Oh yes there is. It comprises of the use of raw and properly cooked Fruits, Roots and Leafy Vegetables. Not only is this kind of diet unmatched for speedy weight-loss, but your body will thank you for the change as you mechanically (via the broom-like/mucus-binding qualities of these substances) cleanse yourself from perhaps a life-time of wrong eating. Yeah we need protein, but just not TOO much of it. Heres to Health Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Healthy Solutions for Weight Loss Blog today for more information on the side effects of low carb dieting Article Source: phentermine no doctor prescription
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Sunday 16 December 2007

Tribute to Jesus Christ

By Richard Pettinger Jesus studied yoga for many years before his divinely ordained mission to spread the light of the Supreme. Through intense prayer and meditation Jesus rose above the ordinary level of human consciousness to attain a state of self realisation or God Realisation. Jesus no longer identified with the body and ego. He became one with the Universal Christ consciousness. It is from this perspective of God realisation that he was able to proclaim I and my father are one. Through his spiritual realisation Jesus Christ became unconditional surrendered to the will of God. The highest prayer offered by Christ was his immortal Thy will be done. To say this prayer is easy, but to live and embody this constant surrender to Gods will is not possible unless one can feel the inner promptings of God at all times. When faced with his most testing experience of betrayal and execution by torture Jesus faced his fate with equanimity and acceptance. There were many occasions when he could have avoided the most awful fate but he was willing to accept his fate for the fulfilment of the Divine plan. On the physical plane Jesus performed many miracles. Many take this as a sign of his divinity. But a spiritual master like the Christ performed countless more miracles on the inner plane. To be healed from physical pain is good. But the real miracle is to raise a persons consciousness. Where there was discord, doubt and fear Jesus Christ brought down into the earth a consciousness of peace, light and bliss. According to peoples receptivity there were able to receive from Christ this light and bliss. It is this divine and ever present consciousness that humanity has treasured and valued for so many years. The Christ performed forty-four miracles and gave a most fruitful, soulful sermon. But he has become humanitys heart, head and life-breath not because of his miracles, but because he said one thing: Father, let Thy Will be done. The world has accepted him and is cherishing, treasuring and worshipping him because of this divine utterance: Father, let Thy Will be done. - Sri Chinmoy Jesus Christ was the embodiment of real divine forgiveness. One can never fully appreciate the inner workings and consciousness of a spiritual master like Jesus, but through the recorded Gospels, we get a glimpse of his magnamity and inner divinity which brought forward his infinite forgiveness. Betrayed and dying on the cross. Jesus offered the most significant prayer to his own enemies. Father forgive them, for they know not what they do Jesus was God in human form. He embodied the highest transcendental consciousness but at the same time he identified with the ignorance of suffering humanity. A natural human instinct is to criticise those who torture us. Jesus was able to go beyond this view to realise people were acting through layers of ignorance. Even in the most evil acting people Jesus was able to see their inner divinity. Ceaselessly he worked and prayed for this divinity to be brought to the fore. For the upliftment of the earths consciousness Jesus gladly and unconditional accepted both physical and psychic suffering. His crucifixation is the most obvious and visible expression of his suffering. A most torturous and painful death, but as the mother of Jesus commented; every day of his life on earth Jesus took on the suffering of humanity. It is through his identification with others that he became one with their suffering. In particular he took on the karma or sins of his disciples. Jesus lived on earth only 33 years and of those years only a short period are recorded in the new testament. Yet during this short time period he was able to reshape the course of history and accelerate the spiritual evolution of the earth. His words are immortal utterances for the guidance of human moral and spiritual values. His life embodied the descent into human form the highest transcendental consciousness. To live and act the teachings of Jesus Christ is to enable a human ascent into our own inner divinity. Richard is a student of Sri Chinmoy and has written several articles on spirituality on his own website. Article Source: order phentermine 37.5 mg
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Friday 14 December 2007

Applying for a Small Business Loan: Preparation Before Meeting Your Bank Manager

By []Robert Warlow We all know the 5 Ps when it comes to preparing for a big event preparation prevents particularly poor performance and when it comes to facing your Bank Manager with your begging bowl in your hand, this has never been more true! But there are some steps you can take before the meeting to ensure you dont suffer from a poor performance. Prepare a Script If you have prepared in advance your Bank Manager should have your Business Plan in front of him. Reading a Plan though cannot give him a feel for the real person behind the business. He needs to see and hear that for himself and this is your chance to win him over and show what a great businessperson you are! To be ready for this you have to prepare a script, which sells you and the business. Take each aspect of the Plan and come up with a list of the main points you wish to put across. Against each point, write down some of your key thoughts and then play around with how you would phrase it. You don't want to ramble on and put the Manager to sleep, so make your points exciting, interesting and not too long. Your pitch should also include the strengths and weaknesses of both you and your business. Yes, your pitch is about presenting the positive aspects of your business and the opportunities within your grasp but it is also the time to acknowledge the negatives. Any experienced Banker will quickly pick up on the flaws in your Plan or a questionable background. Be up front and honest and weave this into your pitch. Learn Your Script The interview is your first chance of selling something yourself, your idea and your business. An actor's job is to go on the stage and make people believe he is the person he's trying to portray. He does this by thorough preparation, which includes learning his script, how to stand and sit, how to put across meaning in what he says. All of this is achieved through knowing and understand his script and learning it. You have to think like an actor. Your script is your Business Plan. Spend time to come up with questions you may be asked, so all that remains for you to do is practice your delivery. Prepare Strong Opening and Closing Statements Two of the key elements of your presentation, which has to be thoroughly prepared, are your opening and closing remarks. These have to concisely sum up what you want from the Bank and portray confidence in your ability to achieve. The words used and the presentation has to be up beat and positive. People are more likely to remember the first and last thing they heard, so make your opening and closing remarks powerful and compelling. Whatever you do, don't start the interview with an opening line such as,
"I know you probably can't help me but.........." Start off with something along these lines, "Thank you for seeing me today. I trust you have had the chance to review my Business Plan. As you know, I am looking for a loan to " Similarly, your closing remarks have to be prepared in advance and rehearsed. Try something along the lines of, "Thank you very much for your time. I'm sure you can see that I'm fully committed to making this venture succeed. If you want to know more, give me a call. If not, then I look forwarding to receiving your answer soon." A weak close such as, "Oh I do hope you can help me", is not going to get you very far! Your closing statement has to be upbeat, positive and demonstrate that you are raring to go! Knowing what to say and how to say it will make you look professional and worthy of support and that's your aim. Someone who stumbles over their words and whose sentences are full of "ums" and "ahs" will not impress. A salesperson that has a prepared sales pitch will reap the benefits, and so it will be for you in your request for finance if you have a well prepared and practiced presentation. Robert Warlow
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Thursday 13 December 2007

Marketing Professional Services In The Age Of Nudity

By Dr. Gary S. Goodman Suddenly, its as if every doctor, lawyer, accountant, consultant and professional services provider, is naked. This is the feeling you get being in one of these vocations, in the age of transparency, the age of the Internet. Your secrets, if you had any, are laid bare to the world through the web, and when anybody wants to ogle you, they Google you, first. (Is is coincidental that Google spells Go Ogle?) The amount of information available about nearly anyone and any company is staggering. Oddly, this wealth of data doesnt make us stand out as unique. It commoditizes us. We all seem strikingly similar, offering to deliver, fundamentally, the same satisfactions. Before this naked era, we could choose to disclose information, and our prospects faced a fairly daunting challenge when they wanted to shop our prices and proposals. Surely, they could use Yellow Pages, but there was an implicit understanding that this represented a very tiny sampling of the universe of potential services providers. Lets say you want to sell training to a corporation. How would you go about it in the old days? Youd send information, invite people to see you in public seminars, and possibly send in an audio or video along with supporting puffery. And lets say they liked you. Theyd look at your price and make a decision, and if they felt they needed a second bid, theyd have to work fairly hard to find your competition. Today, as you know, they can search under training and find tens of thousands of suppliers, many of which have demonstration videos streaming at their sites. Instead of being the star performer, one of perhaps two or three under consideration, youre an extra in a cast of zillions, just praying to get a big break. So, whats the answer? Its a lot like promoting monogamy in an era of licentiousness. To be chosen as The One, we need to have significant, interpersonal interactions that promote a feeling of fondness. Think of the Internet as one big singles bar. Even if we meet a potential match there, we have to spirit them out of the joint, to some quiet, solitary spot as soon as we can. Otherwise, theyll just dizzy themselves with available choices, until all of us look the same, and now its just a matter of price. Dr. Gary S. Goodman, President of, is a popular keynote speaker, management consultant, and seminar leader and the best-selling author of 12 books, including Reach Out & Sell Someone and Monitoring, Measuring & Managing Customer Service, and the audio program, The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable, published by Nightingale-Conant. He is a frequent guest on radio and television, worldwide. A Ph.D. from USC's Annenberg School, a Loyola lawyer, and an MBA from the Peter F. Drucker School at Claremont Graduate University, Gary offers programs through UCLA Extension and numerous universities, trade associations, and other organizations in the United States and abroad. He holds the rank of Shodan, 1st Degree Black Belt in Kenpo Karate. He is headquartered in Glendale, California, and he can be reached at (818) 243-7338 or at: Article Source: ordering phentermine online
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Wednesday 12 December 2007

Marketing Lessons From Apple's iPod

By Hock Ng Apple Computer just announced that their earnings from the last quarter more than quadrupled mainly due to robust holiday sales of the iPod digital music player. More than 10 million iPods have been sold since it was introduced in 2001. There are some important marketing lessons to be learned from all this. First of all, Apple has created a product for a hungry market that has the financial means to purchase it even with the relatively high price point. If you find a hot and hungry market, create a product for it and you are almost guaranteed to succeed. Lesson #1: Find a hot and hungry market Ever since the introduction of the MP3 file format, we have seen the popularity of converting songs from a CD so that they can be stored on the computer. Even the Napster episode showed us that there is a huge market for a device like the iPod. Here's the summary of the first lesson - don't sell shovels to fishermen and fishing poles to gold miners. Rather, sell the shovels to gold miners and the fishing poles to fishermen. Create a product that already has an existing market. Lesson #2: Create different versions Now Apple just announced the introduction of the iPod Shuffle - a lower-priced version of the iPod with flash memory instead of hard drive storage. This strategy is called versioning. First create a product that sells. Then create another version of the product for a different market segment. In this case, Apple first came up with a more expensive product and followed it up with a cheaper product. Lesson #3: Create the halo effect The halo effect is essentially this: increasing sales of one popular product will generate more sales for your other existing products. In this case, the tremendous popularity of the iPod has created enough buzz that more people are buying Macs. In the past, Macs have made inroads only to a small segment of the market. But now, we're likely to see Apple increase its market share of personal computers in the months to come. So whatever you are selling, there are definitely some general marketing lessons to be learned from the success of the iPod. Think about it the next time you use your iPod. Hock Ng is the editor of The Marketing Tools Review, an online newsletter highlighting the latest marketing tools and strategies, especially for internet marketers. To find out more, visit: Article Source: phentermine no prior prescription required
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Developing a Strategy for Marketing to Realtors that Delivers Results

By Jeffrey Nelson No doubt that you are making a significant effort in marketing to Realtors. So what are you doing? Are you sending out newsletters and postcards, referring Realtors to your website, giving out business cards? Those are all efforts of marketing, but it does not necessarily mean it is effective. Effective marketing produces results, not just activity. The best way to make your marketing effective is to make sure you understand the elements of marketing: the four P's of marketing. Marketing is more than mere advertising. Successful marketing to Realtors means implementing a strategy. Using the four P's is one way of guiding your marketing strategy. The four P's of marketing are: Planning, Positioning, Packaging and Promoting. Planning A well thought out marketing plan is the foundation for your efforts. This marketing plan is your long term strategy of how you can attract the attention of Realtors. A good plan keeps you from making the same mistakes that most loan officers make: advertising not marketing. Your marketing plan reflects the relationship that you want to attract and how you will attract them. When you have a plan of what you want to achieve, you can focus on how you will achieve it, and you know what you should ignore to keep from being distracted. Positioning The position that you want to focus on is the place you occupy in your prospects mind. Your position is a tool to reach your target audience. Positioning is your ability to connect with your target audience. You need to narrow your focus to position yourself as a specialist to that prospect. When you specialize or occupy a position in the prospects mind, you establish yourself head and shoulders above the competition. If you do not spend the time to focus your marketing efforts, to position yourself, your message becomes diluted. Packaging Your materials are often the first thing a prospect sees: your website, newsletters brochures, postcards, etc. They form an impression based on these materials of your service. As a loan officer, these materials are how you package your service. Professional designed materials convey an impression that you are established, credible, and stable. It also makes your brand more memorable, and reinforces your brand image. Promoting How do you promote your services? Your promotion establishes visibility for your brand identity. To attract and build relationships with Realtors, they must be comfortable and believe you to be trustworthy. Promotion is a matter of repeating yourself through every medium available. That means making clear, concise materials that use opportunities available to reach your target audience. Again, think about your specialization and develop promotional materials for that audience. When you develop a solid marketing plan that uses the four P's of marketing, you attract the attention of your target audience: your Realtor prospects. A well developed plan at marketing to them distinguishes you in a crowded field of loan officers. Your prospects focus on you and your brand with the guidance of the Four P's. Jeff Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by attracting quality relationships with real estate agents from the development of customized relationship-building strategies. Click here to get a free copy of the Marketing Planning Guide, a 20-page workbook designed to help you outline a strategy to become an Agent Magnet. Visit us at Article Source: phentermine 37.5 mg no prescription needed
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From The WorkWise Collection: Ten Ways to Win the Job Search Mind Game

By Mary Jeanne Vincent Are you one of the thousands of job seekers who question their sanity, marketability, and capacity to make smart decisions-just because youve lost your job? Are you wondering how to overcome these psychological challenges, rebuild your self-confidence, increase your marketability, and regain your sense of sanity? In todays competitive job market you need more than a killer rsum and great interviewing skills to survive. Twenty-first-century job seekers must be able to deal with ambiguity, maintain a winners mindset, demonstrate customer focus, and have a blow-your-socks-off rsum and excellent interviewing skills. All of this requires that you be at the top of your game emotionally, physically, and mentally. At one time or another, all job seekers face the same basic challenges: rsums that dont generate responses, telephone inquiries that dont produce interviews, few or no callbacks for second interviews, networks that dont perform, feedback from employers about not being a good match, and feeling stuck or otherwise unable to take action. Why is it that some job seekers are able to overcome these obstacles and move on to interesting, well-paying positions, while others languish in low-paying, uninspiring jobs-or worse yet, simply drop out of the market? Smart job seekers have learned that 99 percent of job hunting has to do with developing a Winners Mind-Set. Apply these tips and you too will succeed in the job search mind game. Todays Successful Job Seekers... 1. Have a handle on their emotions. They know that getting past negative emotions-fear, worry, anger, and embarrassment-all of which erode self-confidence-is essential to their long-term success. 2. Seek positive outlets for the frustrations that inevitably surface during a job search. 3. Refrain from job hunting until they are emotionally ready and prepared with solid marketing materials: rsum, business cards, and references. 4. Take time to review and assess their accomplishments, knowledge, and abilities before developing their job search strategy. 5. Learn from the experience of losing a job-whether it was the result of downsizing, company closing, or other circumstance - and find a way to capture the essential elements of the event and explain them in a meaningful way during job interviews. 6. Determine the price of being stuck in the job search, calculate the cost of not moving forward, make adjustments, and then take action. 7. Brainstorm ways around repeated resistance. 8. Use lulls in the job search wisely, to catch their breath and prepare for the next summit. 9. Let go of any shame or embarrassment they may feel about their situation and concentrate on the future. 10. Ask for help when they need it! Implement these ten tips and you will have mastered the psychology behind a job search! -- This information is for educational purposes only. Do not rely on this information as a substitute for personal medical attention. If you are concerned about your mental health or that of another, please consult your family's health care provider immediately. About The Author Hi, Im Mary Jeanne Vincent. I help real job seekers just like you find jobs that meet the triple-F test: work thats fun, fulfilling, and financially rewarding. Ask about WorkWise Words of Wisdom Uncover Your Passion tip cards-50 easy-to-use tips guaranteed to jumpstart the process of finding the work you love and loving the work you do. Only $24.99! For information, write to or call 831.657.9151. Article Source: online prescription ultram
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Is Teak Wood Outdoor Furniture Right for Me?

By Michael Ochoa You are contemplating your first purchase of Teak wood Furniture and you are wondering if you are making the right decision? Well, you are and in this quick article, I will explain why I believe that. If you already use Teak Wood in some of your favorite outdoor furniture, then this article will just be fun information for you to know and share with your friends, especially when they ask you, why did you buy Teak Wood versus?. It is no surprise, or it should not be, that Teak Wood has been the favored wood for generations. The secrets of this wood are out and they have been for a long, long time. First, a little history lesson: (you'll love it) It is not a well known fact, but is has been written that the Chinese have been renowned sailors for generations. Many of their ships were built and designed to not only sail in the oceans, but also to move up river. Much of the trade then, was done several thousand miles up river and not out in the ocean. These ships needed to be versatile, durable, and tough. The wood used to build these early Chinese ships was Teak. It is also said that the Chinese shipbuilders would bury the Teak wood logs in moist soil for years prior to building their ships. This made the wood much stronger and impervious to anything that could be encountered on the high seas, including enemies. Why was this important? It was important because approx. 600 years ago the Chinese were set out on a task by the Chinese Ming dynasty to sail to the edge of the world. They circumnavigated the world several times. But this is going off to another subject. Lets get back to the subject at hand (I'll bet you didn't know that you would actually be learning something too?). Later in years, British naval ships were made from Oak, also a very hard and durable wood. The British encountered two problems with oak: Wood Worms and a lack of Oak trees. Woodworms were destroying the ships in the British Naval Fleet. Woodworms were the scourge of wooden ships throughout history. It could take 850 oak logs to repair one ship. It took a little over 2000 oak logs just to build one ship. The British needed ships as they continued for some time to have maritime issues with the French. and to be able to go on to conquer and take control of British colonies. The British naval fleet was their primary means to accomplish this. The Oak supply in Europe was being quickly depleted. They knew about the Teak wood used on the Chinese ships and how rugged they were after having run into them, literally, in the shipping lanes. The British had learned how impervious these ships were to all of the elements at sea: Saltwater, ocean wind, and the blistering sun. It was also learned then that Teak was found to not to splinter when hit by gunfire or artillery fire. This was a very important issue as splintering wood was the chief cause of casualties among naval warfare in the eighteenth century. Britain was very interested to grow and produce this wood. The British quickly realized they did not need to grow Teak Wood as they could annex those countries where the Teak wood was grown and have a plentiful supply. India, Thailand and Burma were quickly annexed into the British empire. It is not to say this is why the British took over these areas, but it certainly helped to give reason. Myanmar (formerly Burma), which is just south of India, and Yangoon became the first places where Teak was being harvested for British ships. Calcutta was set up as another British shipbuilding site. All of the British merchant ships built in Calcutta were built with Myanmar Teak logs which were said to be the best. Once the wood was depleted from India, logs were harvested from Thailand and Burma. Teak forests were quickly being depleted. Teak was now the preferred wood used for building ships, Yachts, Ocean liners and furniture. Under ocean conditions, the wood had very little shrinkage or warpage. This meant little maintenance. The wood was also impervious to wood rot and insects, like the mighty woodworm. The famous Ocean liner Queen Mary used no less than 1000 tons of teak when built. The British quickly realized the depletion that was taking place and developed a re-forestation plan. They appointed a leader to head this new bureau and began replanting Teak trees on what are now called Teak plantations. A set of very strict laws were enacted regarding who can cut Teak Wood and who can purchase it. Once these laws were set in place, one needed to have permission from the British Government to be able to cut a Teak Tree down and or export it. Teak was also being used by the locals for huts, fence posts, and furniture. India is the third largest importer of Teak today, behind China and Japan. As much as 80% of Indias timber consumption is Teak. The wood is used in India today for local consumption; building homes, furniture, fencing, etc. It is the one wood that can withstand the monsoons, the blistering heat and the humidity. It is the wood that all other timber species are compared to. Teak Wood contains natural oil and Silica (sand) which makes it impervious to insects, and wood rot. These substances also help it to maintain it luster for many, many years, but make it a little more difficult for the manufactures as their blades tend to dull sooner. When many of the English ships of WWII were taken apart for salvage, the Teak Wood decks were re-manufactured into outdoor furniture like park benches. Even today they can be seen in many parts of Europe still functioning. Most of the Teak grown today is grown on Plantations that are governed by the local governments. The demand for Teak is growing at an estimated 10% per year. Teak is a heavily regulated (and rightfully so) commodity, and is sold through the auction process. Teak is not very easy to get. There are regulatory permits that must be purchased and other expenses that go along with regulation. For example, once purchased, it is usually the purchasing companies responsibility to provide transportation if the wood is to be exported and certain countries have regulations on how many logs can be exported. Currently, Java, Indonesia is the largest exporter of Teak. There are several companies that are located in Java that will process and fashion the Teak into furniture, or planks for flooring or siding, and then export the finished item or semi finished item to countries around the world. Teak grows very rapidly but still takes approx. 50 years to mature. Many countries are reviewing the possible rotation after 30 or 40 years. This is mainly due to the large demand for Teak. The consensus with this rotation is that the wood will not be inferior at that rate. There are some countries that are trying tree rotation after only 25 years. The results are timber that is smaller in diameter, color, and grain. So, when add it all up, you get a much better understanding not only of what the hype about Teak Wood is all about, but the numerous qualities of Teak Wood and the supply and demand side of Teak Wood. Many people for generations have been enjoying the warm benefits of owning Teak Wood products. Outdoor Teak Wood furniture is a Standard for many families and in many gardens, terraces, patios, verandas, ships, and yachts around the world. If you are investing in outdoor furniture, you really owe it to yourself to step into the world of Teak. Michael Ochoa owns and operates Macs Teak Furniture website. This website specializes in sales of Quality teak outdoor patio furniture and provides free shipping anywhere in the United States. Send Mike an e-mail and let him know how much you enjoyed his informative article on Teak Patio Furniture. Article Source: phentermine online prescription
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Saturday 8 December 2007

Ten Weight Loss Tips to Ensure Victory in the New Year's "Battle of the Bulge"

By David Petersen With millions of people making New Years resolutions to participate in the Battle of the Bulge heres some useful ammo to help you adhere to your weight loss plan, keep you motivated and ensure victory: 1. Enlist Just as new enlistee signs a contract that commits him/her to their military task and duty, similarly, if your goal is to lose weight, you too should sign a contract with yourself, your trainer, a friend or a loved one. Essentially a contract cannot be broken and there is usually a penalty to do so. A contract places the commitment to paper and the responsibility on you, which will increase your resolve and motivation to the task of losing weight. If you need to, assign a reward for the satisfactory fulfillment of the contract rather than a penalty. For example, if you attain your target weight, write in the contract that you will take a spa vacation to show off your new body. This is a form of positive reinforcement, which gives you an eventual goal to work toward and tends to work better than negative reinforcement like punishment. 2. Recruit backup For many people the battle of the bulge is exactly that. Give yourself a leg up right from the start and recruit the services of a well-qualified (check credentials) personal trainer or exercise physiologist. These officers are experienced in their field and will offer the correct guidance, training and motivation to conquer the enemy (fat). If you cant afford this service, recruit the assistance of a friend or family member to offer moral support and motivation. 3. Know Your Enemy To go into battle with no knowledge of the enemy is guaranteeing defeat. With the guidance of your officer, or on your own, find out information on fat loss. This may involve doing some homework on fat metabolism and basic nutrition. Learn about how to identify the enemy by being able to recognize fattening foods and bad carbohydrates and research topics like how to shift the scales toward negative caloric intake. Dont be afraid of exploring a little of the science behind weight loss - the web is essentially a free of source of information use it! 4. Know Thyself Just as it is important to know and study the enemy, you must also know some information about yourself. Make a list of possible obstacles that may derail the successful implementation of your upcoming battle plan and jot down proposed solutions on how to deal with them. Forecast where you may weaken in your resolve. For example, if you have a weakness for scoffing Ding Dongs at midnight or certain situations make you more likely to eat junk food or drink alcohol uncontrollably like at parties. It may also be very helpful at this point to find out your EAR or Estimated Average (Caloric) Requirement. Your EAR gives an indication of the number of calories your body needs to maintain its current mass, taking into account the subjective estimation of your daily activity levels - for example, exercise participation and physical activity associated with your work. (Click here for a handy caloric calculator) 5. Develop a battle plan With the help of your officer or with your own top secret information from your research, carefully devise a strategy to follow. Like many successful battle plans, attacks should involve multiple strategies. An obvious battle plan would be to begin a sensible diet to restrict caloric intake, yet does not border on starvation levels. This is decent single strategy attack, but if you really want the enemy on their heels, you need a multiple-strategy attack. Consider using the combined forces of diet and exercise to shift your energy intake levels to less than your expended energy levels. Resistance training will not only greatly add to your energy expenditure, but will also increase your lean muscle mass and as a result, increase your resting metabolic rate. A multiple-strategy approach such as this will greatly increase weight loss over dieting alone. Make a chart using colored pens to designate the multi-strategy attack plan. This will provide you a tactile image of your battle plan and help you stay motivated and in control. Remember the battle may continue for several months or possibly indefinitely, so adjust your plan accordingly and consider making permanent lifestyle changes concerning exercise and eating habits. 6. Set strategic and realistic goals A successful battle campaign will involve setting goals of smaller victories to result in eventual victory. Setting goals will increase your motivation and adherence to the task and allow for assessment of progress. Sit down and strategize with your trainer or your partner and decide on achievable weight loss goals. Assign a time frame to achieve your mini victory and write them down on a chart. Check off every mini victory as you attain them. A rule of thumb for gradual weight loss that will stay off is to aim to lose about one percent of your body weight a week. The human body does not simply let go of its fat stores it gradually releases them when caloric expenditure is greater than consumption. For example, if you weigh 225 lbs, you can safely lose about 2.3 lbs a week. A pound of fat contains 3 500 calories, so 2.3 lbs contains 8 050 calories. So in this case, look to cut about 1 150 calories from your EAR using a combination of diet and energy expenditure from exercise. If your battle plan involves resistance training (it should!), do not place a high priority on scale readings as this may lead to frustration. Resistance training will increase muscle mass (muscle weighs more than fat) and may confound scale readings. 7. Arm yourself! At this point you will already be armed with a powerful array of non-tactile weapons knowledge, moral support and guidance. Now, arm yourself by financially committing to either purchasing quality exercise equipment or a long-term gym membership. Buy a sensible diet book (for example, South Beach Diet) and a journal to write down your feelings, experiences on a daily/weekly basis if possible. Keeping a journal of the types of foods you eat and your feelings/attitude toward eating and exercise will help provide concrete evidence to identify signs of progress or regression and keep you on track. 8. Get out there and fight! By now you will be prepared enough to face the enemy. Realize that the battle of weight loss is just that and that it will sometimes have to be fought tooth and nail. Use your weapons and resources to stick it out when your resolve begins to wane. Remain committed to yourself and your personal campaign and realize that others back home are supporting you. 9. Monitor your Campaign Use your resources and the tips in this article to monitor the progress of your weight loss plan. Use a combination of body weight, waist/hip circumference changes and the results of your journal to get the big picture. See if there are any aspects of your battle plan that need tweaking or revision. A highly effective way of objectively monitoring your fat loss and lean muscle tissue gain is to monitor your body composition (% body fat, % lean muscle tissue and bone). Try to find a local personal trainer or fitness service that offers body composition tests. Body composition can be measured by a variety of different methods depending on the sophistication of the service. The simplest and least expensive method of determining body composition is by means of skinfold measurement. Other more sophisticated (and accurate) methods involve the use of Bioelectrical Impedance Assessment (BIA) equipment. For more information on BIA, click on the link at the bottom of this article. 10. Integrate a new government for your lifestyle Once you have achieved victory and attained your weight loss goal, consider the lifestyle changes that you will need to make to maintain your goal weight. You may need to make exercise a part of your daily routine or continue to follow a sensible eating plan that restricts certain foods, or both. If your campaign was an extended one, you will most probably already have made some permanent changes to the way you deal with eating and physical activity. Also, if your battle plan involved resistance training, you will find it much easier to maintain your desired weight because of an increased muscle mass and metabolic rate. Realize that it was an uphill battle to get to the point where you are and plan to do whatever it takes to keep or even improve your physical condition. This article has highlighted some basic strategies to help make your weight loss goals more attainable. Use these pointers and you are virtually guaranteed victory! David Petersen is a Personal Trainer/Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and the owner and founder of B.O.S.S. Fitness Inc. based in Oldsmar, Florida. More articles and information can be found at NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this note, author information and all LIVE website links as above. Article Source: buy tramadol online no prescription
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