Tuesday 18 December 2007

What Is Dark Matter?

By Marilyn Mastin There are many things we still do not understand about our universe. Scientists have recently reached the conclusion that a 'Big Bang' really did start it all, because they have detected the heat-noise from the radiation that the Big Bang created. But that does not explain how our Solar System is so unique. Why we have no proof, as yet, that there is life on any other planet. It does not explain how our universe is held together by a strange substance called, 'Dark Matter', without which, the universe would collapse. I believe that all of these questions can be answered by two words, Intelligent Design. In other words, a creator God. He is the reason that all of the particles from The Big Bang, ended up exactly where they were supposed to go. Our unique Solar System, with the sun at its centre, has two big gas planets called Saturn and Jupiter, which swallow up many meteorites before they get to us. The Sun itself is just the right distance from the planet where God created life. Any closer to us and we would burn up, any further away and we would freeze. The moon controls our tides, but if it was any closer to us, or any bigger than it is, the Earth would flood. As it probably would if we had two or more moons. But the greatest argument for Intelligent Design, is this mysterious 'Dark Matter'. No one can figure out what it actually is and where it came from, but without it, the universe would loose cohesion. In my opinion, there is only one explanation. Dark Matter was created by God, to hold everything together. I think we are living in a wonderful age, where scientists are realising that the universe could not have happened by accident. If life had begun on Earth by random chance, then the chances are that we would have discovered life on some other planet by now. But life has NOT been discovered, despite all our technology and the probes which have been sent from Earth to investigate space. Maybe its time we stopped looking to send people into space, and started concentrating on helping people on this Earth. This unique world, where God created life. I have a website. It is http://www.myspace.com/marilynswriting Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marilyn_Mastin http://EzineArticles.com/?What-Is-Dark-Matter?&id=512180 ultram prescription on line
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