Wednesday 12 December 2007

Developing a Strategy for Marketing to Realtors that Delivers Results

By Jeffrey Nelson No doubt that you are making a significant effort in marketing to Realtors. So what are you doing? Are you sending out newsletters and postcards, referring Realtors to your website, giving out business cards? Those are all efforts of marketing, but it does not necessarily mean it is effective. Effective marketing produces results, not just activity. The best way to make your marketing effective is to make sure you understand the elements of marketing: the four P's of marketing. Marketing is more than mere advertising. Successful marketing to Realtors means implementing a strategy. Using the four P's is one way of guiding your marketing strategy. The four P's of marketing are: Planning, Positioning, Packaging and Promoting. Planning A well thought out marketing plan is the foundation for your efforts. This marketing plan is your long term strategy of how you can attract the attention of Realtors. A good plan keeps you from making the same mistakes that most loan officers make: advertising not marketing. Your marketing plan reflects the relationship that you want to attract and how you will attract them. When you have a plan of what you want to achieve, you can focus on how you will achieve it, and you know what you should ignore to keep from being distracted. Positioning The position that you want to focus on is the place you occupy in your prospects mind. Your position is a tool to reach your target audience. Positioning is your ability to connect with your target audience. You need to narrow your focus to position yourself as a specialist to that prospect. When you specialize or occupy a position in the prospects mind, you establish yourself head and shoulders above the competition. If you do not spend the time to focus your marketing efforts, to position yourself, your message becomes diluted. Packaging Your materials are often the first thing a prospect sees: your website, newsletters brochures, postcards, etc. They form an impression based on these materials of your service. As a loan officer, these materials are how you package your service. Professional designed materials convey an impression that you are established, credible, and stable. It also makes your brand more memorable, and reinforces your brand image. Promoting How do you promote your services? Your promotion establishes visibility for your brand identity. To attract and build relationships with Realtors, they must be comfortable and believe you to be trustworthy. Promotion is a matter of repeating yourself through every medium available. That means making clear, concise materials that use opportunities available to reach your target audience. Again, think about your specialization and develop promotional materials for that audience. When you develop a solid marketing plan that uses the four P's of marketing, you attract the attention of your target audience: your Realtor prospects. A well developed plan at marketing to them distinguishes you in a crowded field of loan officers. Your prospects focus on you and your brand with the guidance of the Four P's. Jeff Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by attracting quality relationships with real estate agents from the development of customized relationship-building strategies. Click here to get a free copy of the Marketing Planning Guide, a 20-page workbook designed to help you outline a strategy to become an Agent Magnet. Visit us at Article Source: phentermine 37.5 mg no prescription needed
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