Thursday 7 February 2008

Depressed People: How To Boost Focus, Concentration, and Mood With Herbal Supplements

By Athlyn Green Depressed people know only too well how hard it can be to function when even thinking can feel like too much of an effort. How do you get through each day when focus, concentration, and mood are severely impaired by depression? Others may fail to understand the crippling emotions that go along with this illness. A common reaction is: just exert some will power and snap out of itwhich only makes matters worse, because a depressed person already feels bad enough and is trying to cope the best he or she can. Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and low self-esteem make it hard for depressed people to have the emotional strength to continue in what they perceive is a daily struggle. Worry may have taken hold and the world is perceived as a hostile place that needs to be navigated through. Depressive illness colors perception, which can make a depressed person feel terribly alone and cut off from others. Because it can be difficult to communicate, depressed people often withdraw from situations that make them feel even more pressured. Anxiety can make social outings feel like a trial that has to be endured. What can be done? First of all, it is encouraging to know that the brain has the ability to heal itself, when it is supported with the right compounds. The way that chemical messengers in the brain communicate plays a large part in how we feel. A depressed person may be feeling thus because neurotransmitters in the brain are malfunctioning. Thankfully, modern treatments address these underlying causes. A brain that is nourished and supported with the correct balance of nutrients can recover. Increasingly, depressed people are discovering that herbal remedies can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and negative mood. How do herbal preparations help a depressed person? Lets examine how herbal substances support brain function. It is known that people diagnosed with depression may have lower blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids; L-tryptophan is an amino acid used by the body to produce serotonin, one of the brains important chemical messengersin numerous studies it has been shown that supplementation with L-tryptophan has led to improvement in depression; SAMe is another amino acid that has an impact on serotonin levels, demonstrating significant antidepressant effects in clinical trials. Both folic acid and B12 are used in the body to manufacture serotonin and other neurotransmitters. It has been established that depressed people can have a deficiency of either nutrient. Herbal remedies contain other substances: valerian is known to help with mood disorders such as depression; chamomile offers beneficial anxiolytic effects (anxiety reduction) and is effective in alleviating insomnia; and ginkgo biloba increases oxygen content to the brain, aiding in concentration and mental acuity. It can also be used to treat a depressed person. Correcting nutrient deficiencies makes good sense. A natural supplement can support critical brain processes that play a role in perception, focus, concentration, and mood levels in depressed people. If you have been experiencing difficulties, it is important to obtain appropriate medical advice. You do not have to continue with troubling symptoms or struggle through life as a depressed person. Modern treatments offer intriguing methods to combat signs and symptoms of illness. Depressed people can support brain health via natural remedies. Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She has contributed to Depressed Person , a section of dedicated to natural treatments and prescription drug alternatives for this disorder. Article Source:,-Concentration,-and-Mood-With-Herbal-Supplements&id=374604 purchase phentermine
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