Saturday 9 February 2008

Fluency Speech Courses

By Steve Hill This article is all about how to achieve fluency and looks at the specific speech impediment known as stammering/stuttering. My name is Steve Hill, I suffered with a stutter from the age of four and despite regular conventional speech therapy, continued stuttering until the age of twenty-two. I found life with a stutter extremely frustrating as at times I could speak very well. For example when I spoke to what is now my ex-girlfriend I very rarely had a problem, however when attempting to speak to her parents I struggled quite badly. When I was drunk my fluency level also would improve to a level where I would be shocked if I stuttered at all. I could not understand why I could talk to one person but not to another and why I could speak when I was drunk but not when I was sober. I read many books about speech imediments, achieving fluency and stuttering and spoke to many speech therapists. From what I read and from what I was told, I was made to believe that I was unable to live a stuttering-free life as it suggested you are unable to eradicate a stutter. This is a very negative attitude, however I could not really believe what I was hearing and reading as I knew I could talk very well at times. I then was fortunate enough to watch Bruce Willis being interviewed on the television. He stated that he had had a stutter which had started when he was a young boy, however he had managed to achieve fluency when he was a late teenager. This was a huge inspiration to me and I then decided that I would attempt to overcome my own speech impediment. After nearly a year of working very hard by reading books about positive thinking and mind over matter and by basically studying people who I thought were great speakers, I also managed to beat the stutter. As a career I now help other people to achieve fluency. Stephen Hill has a number of websites including: stuttering stuttering advice stutter cure Article Source: phentermine online perscriptions
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